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Standing Up For Your Dreams

By Orrin Woodward Every person of substance has a defining moment.  The point where they chose the road less traveled. Defining moments are flashes of self introspection where key decisions are made that affect the rest of your life. That moment where you decided to strive for excellence and become the person God called you to be.  … [Read more...]

Lighten Up or Toughen Up

By Chris Brady There are two attitudes toward life that I think are paramount for leaders, especially in our modern, pampered times. They are: 1.) Lighten Up, or 2.) Toughen Up. There is nothing more off-putting than a person who takes him or her self too seriously. One of my favorite phrases is, "Take everything seriously except … [Read more...]

Hard/Easy, Easy/Hard

Before we learn the disciplines, it’s critical that the “hard-easy/easy-hard” concept is understood. “Hard-easy” refers to those things in life that initially appear to be difficult, yet in the long run they make life much easier and more enjoyable. On the other hand, “easy-hard” refers to things that seem easy at first yet lead to far more … [Read more...]

Hiding From Destiny

Do you believe in destiny? I do. I believe that each one of us was given special talents and a calling all our own. We all know it deep inside. It's there when we are quiet enough to listen, when we shut off the media, the noise, the busyness. Perhaps it scares us. Perhaps we don't think we're worthy. Maybe we don't want to be held … [Read more...]

Monuments to the Faith

For a long time in the U.S. there has been a battle between people who want to be able to display religious symbols, particularly the Ten Commandments, on government property (such as city parks, government buildings, etc.) and those who think the First Amendment prohibits such things. Christians who want vehemently to display the Ten … [Read more...]

Soul Purpose Versus Life Purpose

While your Soul Purpose may take the form of a specific career, such as a teacher, or a police officer, the motivation behind that comes from your soul — not money, fame, or security. In other words, Soul Purpose is more about why you choose a job or career, and less about the specific, external form it takes at any given moment. Soul Purpose … [Read more...]

Success Never Goes On Sale

Success never goes on sale, but most people spend their whole life dickering over the cost, never making the purchase. Success comes at a price, but then again, so does failure. We are given our gifts, talents and energies for this life, not permitted to bank any for eternity. If one must spend it anyway, why do so many dicker over the … [Read more...]

Only You Can Stop You

I've studied for years the many people who have achieved tremendous things in life, and one thing I find common to them all is the audacity to follow their own inner voice. If you think about it, much of our unhappiness comes from wrong turns and calamitous dead-ends that result from us not really knowing what we want. Just how did you become … [Read more...]

Where to Find Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose is your unique series of talents, strengths, passions, interests, hobbies, attitudes and values that form the essence of the most magnificent version of you. When these qualities are intentionally acknowledged and cultivated, they coalesce into a specific mission in service to the world. These qualities already exist within you … [Read more...]

Aggression Doesn’t Change Anything

This op-ed in the New York Times has me worried. Editorialist Frank Rich argues that our political dialogue has become more radical. The biggest reason why, he says, is panic about "a new era of cultural and demographic change." He points to cases of protesters carrying weapons or shouting incendiary phrases at political rallies. He … [Read more...]