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The Sacred Path

By Steve D’Annunzio Life’s journey has two paths to choose between: the Sacred Path or the scared path. Notice how close the two words are: the “c” is in a different place and yet the two words have opposite meanings. Just as the two words have opposite meanings, so do we get opposite results when we choose one over the other. The Sacred … [Read more...]

Jesuits, Teens, Romance, Statistics and Frontal Lobe Development

By David Grant In 1552, St. Francis Xavier, one of the founders of the Jesuits, sailed to China in an effort to convert souls to Christianity. He never made it to the mainland, but others would soon follow who would have vast impact in China and on world technology exchange. The same efforts were undertaken at about the same time in South … [Read more...]

Why Freedom Cannot Ring

By David Grant Quiz: Rank the following in order of impact to your (you, your family and others you care about) future well-being or the lack thereof: Having the right people in political office; Removing undesirables from political office; Second Amendment rights; Stopping terrorists; Government debt; Corruption; … [Read more...]

Leadership is Character in Motion

By Orrin Woodward It was another late-night reading session and as my eyes scanned the pages searching for another nugget to improve as a person and leader I read, “Leadership is character in motion.” I stopped reading grabbed my red marker and underlined this quote. I began to ponder the truth of this simple statement overflowing with … [Read more...]

The Marriage Plot and the End of Men, Part II: Feminism’s Future

By Oliver DeMille This is Part II of a series. Click here for Part I. So where are we heading in modern male/female relations? The trends seem to indicate that men will be even less inclined toward or committed to marriage, and women will earn more. Men and women will expect less and less from each other, except in marriage — where the … [Read more...]

The Benevolent Power of Discontentment

By Steve D’Annunzio You’ve probably heard or even asked the question, “If God is so loving, then why does He allow bad things to happen to good people?” What if you learned that the events, emotions, and circumstances that we label as bad are one of the greatest gifts from God? How would that change your perspective and what difference would … [Read more...]

Becoming Who You Already Are

By Steve D'Annunzio When the French philosoper Rene Descartes coined the phrase “cogito ergo sum”—“I think, therefore I am”—in 1637, he struck a blow to the evolution of spiritual man. The truth of the matter is precisely opposite; the fundamental statement should read, “I am, therefore I think.” Descartes reversed being with a function … [Read more...]

When the Sun Comes Up

By Chris Brady On the wall of my garage I have posted a photo of a lion. It contains the message of how a lion awakes in the morning and begins hunting for a gazelle. It also shows a distant gazelle and states how it must be ready to run to escape the lion. The message is that when the sun comes up, lion or gazelle, each must awake ready to … [Read more...]

The Power of Meditation

By Steve D'Annunzio Although it tends to be highly underrated and often misunderstood, meditation is one of the most powerful tools available to man to transcend the mind and to prevent and ease suffering in the world. When you are meditating you are being and doing so much more than is obvious to the uninitiated. Meditation accesses a state … [Read more...]


By Shanon Brooks Recently, someone ask me if I was happy with the changes in Utah State government (6 more Republicans in the House and 1 more in the Senate). “What changes?” I said. “You know, the legislature is more conservative now.” “Really? When did that happen?” I inquired. “I only see a changing of the guard, new … [Read more...]