Reality or... Not? Some things just aren’t true, even if we think they are. Even if we are assured that “everyone” says they’re true. And even if the experts—almost always unnamed—have formed a consensus on the matter. Actually, the more you get know the experts, the more you realize they aren’t in consensus on almost anything. Now, let’s be … [Read more...]
Jefferson Madison Debates: John Adams on How to Fix Washington D.C. in 1791 and 2018
"Odd, that so many should favor frames that seemed to be trying to outdo the art they held." ~Brandon Sanderson, The Alloy of Law What You Think You See In the old American West, a façade town featured two- and sometimes three-story buildings lining Main Street, so visitors to the town would be impressed with how up-and-coming the community … [Read more...]
The Jefferson-Madison Debates: To Pay, or Not to Pay… by Oliver DeMille
Tackling a Universal Basic Income by Oliver DeMille (Book Reviews: Annie Lowrey, 2018, Give People Money; Richard Weaver, 1948, Ideas Have Consequences [2013 reprint]) “Neither parents nor children have any other prospects than what are founded upon industry, economy, and virtue…. Hence arises a spirit of universal activity, and enterprise in … [Read more...]
The Jefferson-Madison Debates: The Next Civil War? by Oliver DeMille
by Oliver DeMille True or False...or False? It’s getting worse. Just watch the news. This phrase, the “Next Civil War”, was recently used by economic forecaster Harry Dent to describe the growing divide between Red and Blue state cultures. These two sides now disagree with each other to the point that in many cases people experience real hatred … [Read more...]
An Update on the State of America: What’s REALLY Happening?
by Oliver DeMille (It’s Not What You See On the News) The Goal “Keep your eyes on the ball.” I think very baseball coach I ever had repeated this advice like a mantra, and with good reason. A batter faces all kinds of distractions. The other team, both those on the field and those in the dugout, make a point of yelling, waving their arms, and … [Read more...]
One Great Challenge Facing America Today by Oliver DeMille
The Coming Fall Only 15 percent of Americans are on target to fund 1 year or more of their retirement. One single year. Yet many will live twenty to thirty years after retiring. This one fact alone is a major blow against conservatism. It may in fact kill conservative principles and ideals in the next two decades, and it could deeply hurt the … [Read more...]
“The Coming Tide” by Oliver DeMille
by Oliver DeMille A Prediction For decades the Democrats proudly saw themselves as the party of the little guy and the working poor. Republicans were considered the party of Wall Street, white collar professionals, and big business. But these alignments have changed during the opening years of the 21st Century. The Democrats are now, as The … [Read more...]
A 2017 State of the Union! by Oliver DeMille
by Oliver DeMille Where are We Right Now as a Nation, and Where are We Going? The Not Quite New Normal This is the way we govern now. The White House is the prize. Majorities in Congress are the way to get closer to the prize. And the ultimate goal is to control the Supreme Court, because it now has almost ultimate power on whatever issue it … [Read more...]
Chaos in Current Events by Oliver DeMille
by Oliver DeMille History is Repeating Itself, But Do We Know Its Lesson? Cycling Back Around This is a chaotic time. Political scandals, media lies, shootings and violence based on political disagreements, terrorist attacks in formerly safe places. For the American people, it’s both frustrating and scary. It helps to step back and take a … [Read more...]
How is the Trump Administration Doing? by Oliver DeMille
by Oliver DeMille “No business plan survives first contact with the customer.” —Steve Blank Party and Purpose Alexis de Tocqueville famously taught that all governments and societies are divided into two major parties—the party of aristocracy and the party of the people. Another way to describe this reality is that one party is always the party of … [Read more...]