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Part II: 8 Sub-Trends in the Shift from the Information Age to the Biology Age

This is part two of a five-part article entitled Biology: Not a Science Anymore. Read Part I Here There are at least eight sub-trends of the overarching shift from the Information Age to the Biology Age [1].  Each is significant, each is currently increasing its power, and each must be understood by the statesmen and social leaders of our … [Read more...]

Biology: Not a Science Anymore, Part I

This is part one of a five-part article. Subsequent parts will be published daily. On the morning of September 11, 2001, biology stopped being a science. For that matter, so did physics and mathematics, but our focus here is on biology. Historically, the great philosophers and thinkers divided knowledge into four major branches: First, the … [Read more...]

The Calm Before the Storm

Years ago I moderated a discussion about the writings of John Adams and how much we need to apply today the things he taught more than two centuries ago. One of the participants asked poignantly, “So what do we DO about all this?” Others expressed similar concerns: Theory is okay, but what can really be done to impact society the way the … [Read more...]

Build Something That Lasts

Success, whether we're talking about the narrow and outdated version of strictly material wealth, or the new, broader, more holistic meaning of making a difference and influence, must be built over time.  Personally, I want to build things that last.  Relationships with family are very important to me and my experience tells me they must be built … [Read more...]

Be the Link that Strengthens the Chain

Today, I'm going to let the words of William George Jordan do the talking.  The are taken from his book The Crown of Individuality, published in 1909. "He who, from sheer lack of purpose drifts through life, letting the golden years of his highest hopes glide empty back into the perspective of his past while he fills his ears with the lorelei … [Read more...]

An Economic Depression, Part 2: The Nuts & Bolts

Read Part 1 Here Many economists agree that banking is the culprit, or rather, the ability to extend or expand credit virtually at will. There are a few key elements that should be considered and really thought through before we go much further: The Hebrew Economy Recurring Business Cycle Savings and Investment Without going into much … [Read more...]

An Economic Depression: A Great Opportunity, Part 1

The headlines are full of talk about bailouts, the recession, a depression, unemployment etc. But what does it all mean? During the Great Depression (1929-1933 -- really until 1941), the prevailing economic philosophy was promoted by John Maynard Keynes. Although conventional economists still promote Keynes ideas as successfully bringing … [Read more...]

The Execution of Success

I previously wrote an article called, An Iceberg in Leadership, in which I talked about the many hours that authentic leaders devote in the early mornings and late evenings, usually when others don't see it, to making their visions become a reality.  Most observers only see the front stage (i.e. the success and spotlight), but rarely see what … [Read more...]

Leadership in a Fourth Turning

In 1997, authors William Strauss and Neil Howe unveiled the book of the century, rather for the coming century entitled, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy –- What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny. The Fourth Turning predicted 9/11. It predicted the real estate bubble, the banking bubble, the … [Read more...]

Who Will Save Us?

The old conceptions and methods of leadership are as flawed as they are obsolete. Leadership is the answer to the question, “Who will save us?” In the past, weʼve given our rights to kings and rulers in the hopes that they would take care of us. Our hopes were dashed by tyranny. Weʼve looked to the church to rescue us. The oppression of the Dark … [Read more...]