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Elmer — Getting Things Done

I don’t know about you, but there are only two things that come to mind when I hear the name Elmer: Elmer’s Glue and Elmer Fudd.  I find it amazing how these two icons are tied directly to small-business success. When it comes to running a business, there are only two things you must do over and over again: 1.  Start Something 2.  Ship … [Read more...]

The Study of Liberal Arts: A Search For Self

The full spectrum of human nature cannot be taught; it must be discovered. But it is virtually impossible to discover in the modern world of computer games, social media, and texting. Seldom do we see anything but the worst of human nature in the world of politics or in the mansions of materialism or the ivory towers of skepticism. The … [Read more...]

The Drift to Totalitarianism

Earlier today, while writing on my corporate HR Toolbox blog, I read an extended quote from Gustav Cassel. His thoughts on the drift towards totalitarianism that every country experiences with the initiation of economic controls aligned perfectly with the Five Laws of Decline (FLD), which I first disclosed in my book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for … [Read more...]

Is Feminism Over?

“Though it might be naïve, [this generation has] a belief that friendships are forever, whereas most dating relationships are expected to end.” -Psychology Today, January/February 2013 “Are Girlfriends the New Husbands?” This is the title of an article in the January 2013 issue of Marie Claire magazine. The article goes on to say that the … [Read more...]

American Government Righting Sports Wrongs – NBA Stimulus Package

Warning: This is humor and is meant to be funny and teach some lessons before it is too late!  This is not slanted toward either Democrats or Republicans, as I feel they have both let the American people down and have lost our free enterprise American Ideals!  The people need to educate themselves and this is my reason for writing the … [Read more...]

The Fat Lady Begins to Sing

And so it begins... The most recent national election declared the passion of the American people for the Nanny State. Of the almost 127 million voters, a majority preferred a governing system that favors high taxes, a saturated welfare system, forced health care, and an abundance of government dependent workers. Apparently we have learned … [Read more...]

Dealing With Change – The Price of Being a Master Instead of a Jack

Sometimes, even the best of us have a difficult time dealing with change. The most famous change agent of our country’s history, George Washington, even had times where he had difficulty dealing with change. Upon Washington’s death, he had three doctors attending to his needs, Drs. Brown, Dick and Clark. Two of the Drs. suggested that they … [Read more...]

Separation of Education & State

Peeling away the layers of rhetoric from reality in our Public School System, one discovers an interesting paradox; even though Americans enthusiastically support the Separation of Church & State, strangely, they do not feel the same vigor for Separation of Education & State. What are the real differences between religion and … [Read more...]

The Human Spirit

In spite of the fact that we live in a world dominated by the extreme credentialism, government regulation and oversight, and aristocratic hierarchy prophesied by Alexis de Tocqueville, Americans are still capable of pushing through the social and political miasma that bogs down our society and shine their individual brilliance on a nearly comatose … [Read more...]

The Fifty Steps of Crisis Eras by Oliver DeMille

Note to the Reader: I offered this list three years ago in early 2010, and since then the steps of crisis have advanced. I felt it was time to review and see where we are right now. Today I added a few words of commentary that update things since 2010—these are at the very end of this list. If you want, feel free to skip to the end and read the … [Read more...]