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Why We Need a Third Party

by Oliver DeMille In the aftermath of the 2012 election, there have been numerous emails, posts, articles and blogs by business owners who say they are planning to sell or close their businesses, or just lay off enough workers that they can afford Obamacare for the employees who remain. One summary listed the following announced layoffs—all … [Read more...]

The Lesson of the Election

By Oliver DeMille This election was a surprise. Not because of the result, which I expected. Before the election I wrote several times that it would come down to independents in the swing states—especially Florida, Ohio and Virginia, but also a few other battleground states such as Nevada, Wisconsin and Colorado. I was right about the … [Read more...]

AFTER THE ELECTION: The Year of Danger

By Oliver DeMille The year ahead is a time of danger. The election of 2012 is over, and you are either happy or upset with the outcome—or, like many independents, you are predictably frustrated with the whole system. Whatever the case, the next few months is a time of real danger in our nation. During elections, energy and citizen … [Read more...]

The Presidential Debates

And What They Should Be By Oliver DeMille People are getting tired of the presidential election. It’s too much bad news, week and after week, too many talking heads just saying the same old negative things about the other side, and too many mistakes, gaffes and 10-second clips getting blown way out of proportion. But all of that is just … [Read more...]

An Election Disaster

By Oliver DeMille There are six weeks to go before the 2012 election, and currently President Obama is way ahead. If the election were held today, according to the average of polls, not only would President Obama be re-elected but he would sweep the election. This election will come down to the top swing states, as I’ve stated in the past, … [Read more...]

Façade Society, Façade Politics

John Adams on How to Fix Washington D.C. in 1791 and 2012 "Odd, that so many should favor frames that seemed to be trying to outdo the art they held." ~Brandon Sanderson, The Alloy of Law In the old American West, a façade town featured two- and sometimes three-story buildings lining Main Street, so visitors to the town would be impressed with … [Read more...]

Common Wisdom versus Greatness in the American Election

By Oliver DeMille The common wisdom says that incumbent presidents run on their record, and that the state of the economy determines presidential elections. According to the numbers, right now the common wisdom is wrong. The economy is still sputtering, but 51% of voters in battleground states like President Obama’s handling of the economy … [Read more...]

Covenant Government and the Sacred Trust of Freedom

By Oliver DeMille A friend recently told me that he considers family relationships much more important than politics. He said marriage is a sacred, covenant relationship, and as such it is a higher priority than civil government. I had two responses to this thought: First, I totally agree. I think our families are a sacred trust and … [Read more...]

Another Spoiled American? (Part 1 of a Freedom Series)

By Kevin Mogavero It is so easy to forget how spoiled we are in America.  Sure, things aren’t perfect, but it really wouldn’t take much to make them a lot worse. I have a friend who lived on a big island. He actually lived closer to Key West (the southernmost point in the United States) than people in Miami. On this island, he was not … [Read more...]

Robert’s Rules of Chess

By Oliver DeMille When Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberals to uphold Obamacare, it sent a shock wave through conservatism. After all, Mitt Romney had lauded Roberts as the example of the kind of Justices he’d select if elected president, and Roberts was seen as a clear conservative by most Republicans. With one vote, he angered … [Read more...]