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The Art of Tact

The Center for Creative Leadership lists "political savvy" -- the ability to influence people to obtain goals -- as a vital soft-skill of leadership. The heart of being politically savvy, according to CCL, is networking, reading situations, and thinking before speaking. Political savviness is the tact to say the truth that needs to be said, … [Read more...]

The 2014 Campaign Has Begun

The Obama Administration was frustrated by the sequester because it reduced planned government spending. But the real concern was that the President finally lost something to House Republicans. Up to this point, the Administration had used fiscal crisis to win every major battle in the last four years. Now, in the aftermath of losing something, … [Read more...]

A Sixth Branch of Government

Many Americans now feel that Washington is broken, that there is some unidentified, underlying problem with our nation that can't be fixed by elections. Voters put Democrats in power, then Republicans, but still the problems grow and Washington becomes more and more dysfunctional. We know something is wrong, but we aren't sure what to … [Read more...]

Emotion and Politics

By Oliver DeMille In all the commentaries about the president’s 2013 State of the Union address and the responses by Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, one really stood out.[i] Democratic thought-leader Van Jones said it outright: “Marco Rubio is dangerous for Democrats.”[ii] Why? Because he gets emotional about the issues, and, as Jones … [Read more...]

A Modern Classic – The Conscious Creator

by Oliver DeMille Book Review of The Conscious Creator by Kris Krohn & Stephen Palmer The Law of Attraction, Revisited Every once in a while I read a book that really changes me—deeply, drastically, truly. I’ve never been the same since I read Les Miserables the first time, for example, and when I read The Making of America by W. Cleon … [Read more...]

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

By Oliver DeMille In the push for more gun control and changes to our national immigration policy, a few very important things have been mostly left out of the news in recent weeks. They have been mentioned, yes, but not emphasized. And these items deserve to be seriously considered by all Americans. First, economic figures came out … [Read more...]

The Republican Presidential Candidate of 2016

Conservatives keep saying two things in the aftermath of losing the 2012 presidential election to Barack Obama. First, they talk a lot about the 2016 election, but there is no real front runner to be the Republican candidate. In fact, the few people who are mentioned as possible nominees aren’t drumming up much excitement. But the second … [Read more...]

Middle Class Squeeze Part II: America and the Entrepreneur

The working middle class dreams of an actual meritocracy, where performance is rewarded regardless of race, creed, or color. The American ideals were birthed as a level playing field, rewarding people based upon their contributions, not their social status or credentials. The American Dream promised: Do a little, receive a little; do a lot, … [Read more...]

Two Types of Republicans and Rising Socialism in America

The future of America depends on the House of Representatives. If it goes along with the Obama Administration’s plans, we’ll see major changes in the next four years, and the move toward socialistic policies will be as momentous as the swing to the right under Ronald Reagan. The White House and Senate are committed to this course, and only … [Read more...]

The Middle Class Squeeze, Part I

*Note to the Reader from CSL Editor Oliver DeMille: Over the past weeks we’ve posted articles by Orrin Woodward, CSL’s new Leadership and Business Editor. These articles include: American Government Righting Sports Wrongs—NBA Stimulus Package, Separation of Education and State, and The Drift to Totalitarianism. Orrin has a long history of … [Read more...]