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Understanding Trump’s Election Part Two

Why Did the American People Give Donald Trump the Presidency? by Oliver DeMille (If you haven’t read Part One of this article, do so here. This installment is a continuation of that article.) The Big Question Now that you’ve read Part One of this article, let’s dig deeper into why the American people elected Donald Trump, and what they expect … [Read more...]

Welcome to the Era of Drones! by Oliver DeMille

(Transportation without Representation) Question: It’s a big thing in the print media, right now. It shows up in article after article. Where do property rights end and airspace rights begin? When the jet planes or smaller Cessna’s were flying above at 21,000 feet or even 900 feet, most people didn’t care if they went directly over one’s … [Read more...]

Frederic Bastiat, Foreign Affairs, and the Future of Success

Guest Post by Ian Cox “Across the entire innovation chain, from basic research to commercialization, governments have stepped up with needed investment that the private sector has been too scared to provide. This spending has proved transformative, creating entirely new markets and sectors, including the Internet, nanotechnology, biotechnology, … [Read more...]

The Hillary Clinton Emails (A Different View) by Oliver DeMille

The Curve If you follow my articles on a regular basis, you’ve probably noticed that I seldom write about topics that are in the current news cycle. I usually address such issues a week or more after they stop dominating the nightly news. There is an important reason for this. The way the television news presents many political topics can be … [Read more...]

The Fall of Institutionalism by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille A Major Change in America We have a trust crisis in America. Specifically, we don’t trust our major institutions. For example, consider the current American view of government. A Gallup poll asked, “How much of the time do you think you can trust government in Washington to do what is right?” The response? Only 19% of … [Read more...]

How Freedom Might Win in 2016 by Oliver DeMille

 The New Field I was wrong. I thought Mitt Romney would run in 2016, but he declined. Where does this leave the election? More importantly, with a large field of potential candidates, is there a path for freedom? Meaning, can someone like Rand Paul who really believes in applying the Constitution in our modern times actually win? The definite … [Read more...]

The Main Source of the American Decline by Oliver DeMille

Land of the Free  Land of Decay These days, the word “decline” is frequently used to describe the United States. Where “China” is often paired with words and phrases like “rising,” “new superpower,” and “number one,” a different set of adjectives show up when the U.S. is discussed. This trend recently reached a new low when the cover story on … [Read more...]

Reconsidering the White House – Oliver DeMille

The United States doesn't get very many great presidents, only about three per century. That's surprising to most people. But it's exactly what the American framers wanted. If we take a deeper look, it actually makes sense. The American Framers didn't write the Constitution with the goal of always putting the nation’s top leaders in the … [Read more...]

The New Ivy League – Oliver DeMille

The day of turning a college degree into a ready job and high pay is over. That was then. The new economy is different now, and many graduate schools are taking note. For example, The New York Times reported: "On a spring afternoon at Michigan State University, 15 law students are presenting start-up proposals to a panel of legal scholars … [Read more...]

The “BIG” Problem by Oliver DeMille

The "BIG" problem isn't just hugely important, it's also the incredible set of challenges that are created when any institution, organization, or endeavor is just plain too big. This problem is predictable, and therefore solvable, but only if the right people are keeping an eye on the right things. Specifically, our modern government is too … [Read more...]