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Archives for October 2010

Book Review: Rascal by Chris Brady

In his modern classic, Rascal: Making a Difference by Becoming an Original Character, bestselling author Chris Brady introduces two groups that are currently leading our nation and world. Both groups can be found in Wall Street, Main Street, Las Vegas, Silicon Valley, Hollywood and in both of the major parties on Capitol Hill. Both groups … [Read more...]

Success Never Goes On Sale

Success never goes on sale, but most people spend their whole life dickering over the cost, never making the purchase. Success comes at a price, but then again, so does failure. We are given our gifts, talents and energies for this life, not permitted to bank any for eternity. If one must spend it anyway, why do so many dicker over the … [Read more...]

Only You Can Stop You

I've studied for years the many people who have achieved tremendous things in life, and one thing I find common to them all is the audacity to follow their own inner voice. If you think about it, much of our unhappiness comes from wrong turns and calamitous dead-ends that result from us not really knowing what we want. Just how did you become … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Courage by Anne Sexton

Courage Anne Sexton It is in the small things we see it. The child's first step, as awesome as an earthquake. The first time you rode a bike, wallowing up the sidewalk. The first spanking when your heart went on a journey all alone. When they called you crybaby or poor or fatty or crazy and made you into an alien, you drank their … [Read more...]

The True Mirror of Our Doctrine

The conduct of our lives is the true mirror of our doctrine. – Michel Eyquem de Montaigne Glenn Beck, a nationally-syndicated political talk show host who also has a TV show, recently told his listeners that if their churches mentioned “social justice” or “economic justice” (what he called political “code words” for communism, etc.), his … [Read more...]

Where to Find Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose is your unique series of talents, strengths, passions, interests, hobbies, attitudes and values that form the essence of the most magnificent version of you. When these qualities are intentionally acknowledged and cultivated, they coalesce into a specific mission in service to the world. These qualities already exist within you … [Read more...]

Why Societies Decline, Part 2: Six Choices for Citizens

This is part 2 of a 2-part article. Read Part 1 Here If the first step of decline is arrogance, the second is “a time of troubles” where the actions of society and its institutions too often fall short of the people’s lofty ideals. For example, consider the era when Americans saw themselves as the land of the free, the best place in the … [Read more...]

Why Societies Decline, Part 1: The Positive Effects of Adversity

This is part 1 of a 2-part article. Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is often cited by people trying to see where America is on the long path of her place in history. Certainly the detail of Gibbon’s work is full of specifics and nuance. But another work may be even more helpful. Although it is more … [Read more...]

Islam on Trial

A recent (ahem) debate on a forum I'm involved with started out as a discussion on the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" -- a textbook example of Joseph Goebbel's "repeat a lie often enough" dictum -- but quickly deteriorated into what amounted to a trial of the Islamic faith. I claim no expertise on the subject of Islam, but I've encountered … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: The Man With a Hoe by Edwin Markham

Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. The Man with a Hoe Edwin Markham Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans Upon his hoe and gazes on the ground, The emptiness of ages in his face, And on his back, the burden of the world. Who made him dead to rapture and … [Read more...]