Reading dictionaries is fun. I especially like the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), along with its two companions, the Compact Oxford English Dictionary, and the Compact Oxford Thesaurus. Seriously, this isn't nerdy at all. It's really entertaining. For example, my brother Will told me the other day that he had an interesting experience. He … [Read more...]
America’s Great Degeneration – Oliver DeMille
Speaking of how the government runs its finances today, historian Niall Ferguson wrote: "The present system is, to put it bluntly, fraudulent. There are no regular published and official balance sheets. Huge liabilities are simply hidden from view. Not even the current income and expenditure statements can be relied upon. No legitimate business … [Read more...]
What Society Has in Common with Wet Cement
Some of the most serious conflicts in our society today have their roots in the difference between forms and issues. The fact that many otherwise informed individuals have no idea what is meant by "forms" is a key reason for this. Forms are best described as the foundational structure or principles that characterize what something is. In … [Read more...]
The Future of Feminism by Oliver DeMille
It could be over. The whole, centuries-long debate between men and women, as well as between women and women, over the best role for women, may be coming to an end. Ironically, this hinges not so much on women or men, but on both. And on children too. Let me explain. Feminism has progressed through several phases in history. First, … [Read more...]
State Power Versus Social Power – Orrin Woodward
Human societies are in never-ending struggle between the forces seeking to optimize State Power and those seeking to optimize Social Power. The gain for one is the loss of the other. Accordingly, the reason society finds it so difficult to rest the Power Pendulum in concord is that these two forces wage an endless war within society. … [Read more...]
Overcoming Obamacare by Oliver DeMille
Do we have an answer yet? Not quite. But we're making progress. A few months ago I suggested that many companies were going to lay off a lot of employees when Obamacare went into effect -- starting in October 2013 and increasing for the next eighteen months. Then I asked for input from readers: How can business owners overcome the … [Read more...]