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America’s Seven-Party System, Part III: Crazy Like a Fox

This is part 3 of a 5-part article. Read Part I Here Read Part II Here Read Part IV Here Read Part V Here Crazy Like a Fox It is interesting to compare and contrast this modern debate between the wisdom of the populists and that of experts and officials with the American founding view. The brilliance of the founders was their tendency … [Read more...]

America’s Seven-Party System, Part II: Nixonians & Reaganites

This is part 2 of a 5-part article. Read Part I Here Read Part III Here Read Part IV Here Read Part V Here Republicans: The Party of Nixon vs. The Party of Reagan Both Nixon and Reagan were Republicans, but symbolically they are nearly polar opposites to all but the most staunch Republican loyalists. Reaganites value strong national … [Read more...]

America’s Seven-Party System, Part I: The New Politics

This is part one of a five-part article. Read Part II Here Read Part III Here Read Part IV Here Read Part V Here Part I. The New Politics High school civics classes for the past century have taught that America had a two-party system. And up until the end of the Cold War, this was true. Each party had clear, distinct values and goals, … [Read more...]

Diplomacy: The New Battle Call

The drastic shift from the Third Turning to the Fourth Turning has begun to transform paradigms and organizational forms in every aspect of society (see The Fourth Turning by Strauss and Howe). As we begin to see the unraveling of politics, economics, and societal norms, the message of warning and the sentiment of the inevitability of change … [Read more...]

Logos, Pathos & Ethos, & Our National Leadership Diet

The following dialogue is common for me: “Hey, Dave, I’m in training for the upcoming season and would like some diet advice.” “Sure, Chad. I recommend a balanced diet.” “But Dave, I want to lose weight, too.” “Oh, in that case, I recommend a balanced diet.” “Okay, but I also want to know what I should eat before a big … [Read more...]

Health Care Reform in the Era of the Expert Plan

The debate on health care reform is presented as Democrat versus Republican. In fact, this is only marginally accurate. The truth is that this is all about Expert Economic Planning versus the principle of strong but limited government. In the latter view, government should effectively use its power to protect inalienable rights and do nothing … [Read more...]

Vampires As Aristocrats?

In the last few years, as the vampire genre has gone from cult popularity to fringe and then to mainstream and mega-bestseller, I have wondered what vampires signify to our culture. The bestseller vampire story Twilight and its sequels swept American teen reading circles, and these books were also read by a lot of adults. When the movie came … [Read more...]

“Mr. Head Democrat”: The Future of American Politics

In my recent book, The Coming Aristocracy, I wrote that the United States now lives in the era of the permanent campaign. A young pollster in the Carter administration, Patrick Caddell, coined the term back in 1976, and he hit the nail right on the head. America used to gear up for campaigns, elect one of the candidates, and then settle down to … [Read more...]

The 5 Types of Producers, Part 7: Overcoming 3 Crucial Mistakes

This is part 7 of a 7-part article. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here Read Part 4 Here Read Part 5 Here Read Part 6 Here Many producers make three predictable mistakes. Any producer who knows these mistakes and avoids them will be a better producer and create more lasting value in society. Producer Mistake #1: The Generation … [Read more...]

The 5 Types of Producers, Part 6: The Synergy of Created Value

This is part 6 of a 7-part article. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here Read Part 4 Here Read Part 5 Here Read Part 7 Here For any company to succeed, all five types of producers must fulfill their unique roles. This is even more true for any nation. Producer … [Read more...]