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The Globocracy

By Oliver DeMille One of the most significant changes brought by the American revolution and founding was the replacement of an aristocratic class system with the ideal of a democratic society—supported by a federal-democratic-republic form of government and free enterprise economic system. Today we are witnessing a similar shift, but in a … [Read more...]

The Underground Railroad

By Chris Brady If leadership is about attacking the status quo and railing against injustice, then the unsung and often unnamed heroes of what came to be known as the "Underground Railroad" are a great example. A loose network of sorts, committed to aiding escaped slaves to reach freedom, existed in the North American colonies at least as … [Read more...]

Leaving a Leadership Legacy

By Orrin Woodward What does it mean to leave a legacy? One of the definitions is defined as something handed down from an ancestor, predecessor or from the past. Leaving a legacy then, means to pay forward into the next generation, the life principles that made a difference in one’s life. If you learned financial principles that made a … [Read more...]

That Which We Call A Rose

By David Grant "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg, doesn’t make it a leg.” — Abraham Lincoln But political rhetoric would have you believe that it is not a tail but a leg. It’s time to apply the potent laxative of logic to constipated political spin. Your life (freedom) depends on … [Read more...]

A.P.R.I.L. Power Brings Soul Flowers

By Steve D’Annunzio I teach 12 core spiritual disciplines that help you transcend your ego-self, live from your God-self and manifest and monetize your Soul Purpose. The first five, which form the acronym A.P.R.I.L., are the most critical. They are as follows: Awareness Commitment Pattern Interrupt Reality Statement Instant … [Read more...]

Financial Velocity Trumps Compound Interest

By Garrett Gunderson You’ve heard of compound interest being “miraculous,” but what is it? Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on. For example, suppose you owe someone $1,000, with an annual interest rate of 12 percent, for a monthly … [Read more...]

Culture Versus Institutions

By Oliver DeMille Free citizens are innovative, independent and giving. When these characteristics wane in a society, freedom decreases. When these values are bolstered, freedom grows. Because they are so important in free nations, institutions attempt to produce and market them. But the nature of innovation, independence and giving … [Read more...]

Food Safety At Any Cost?

By Bryan Hyde Sitting down to our daily meals is such a commonplace occurrence for most of us that we scarcely give it a second thought. But the safety of the food we eat is becoming the focal point of an increasingly intense tug of war between federal regulators and food growers and producers at every level—right down to our own … [Read more...]

Help Others Win

By Chris Brady One of the most important things to understand about leadership is that it is not about YOU. People who crave what leadership can provide, thinking that this entails perks, power, position and status, are really not fit for the position. Reluctant leaders, a term that at first seems like an oxymoron (as opposed to the … [Read more...]

What Gas are You Putting in Your Tank?

By Orrin Woodward I like to review my core beliefs every year to ensure that my beliefs are corresponding with the world that I am living in. Human beings act on the ideas contemplated in their minds. Better ideas lead to better actions, just as better gas leads to better performance in an engine. I have had a couple of breakthrough … [Read more...]