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Counter-Productive Compassion

By Chris Brady According to Ronald Reagan, some of the most dangerous words were, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."  Reagan in that one little quip summed up what plagues much of the United State's current condition. Author W. Cleon Skousen coined the term "Counter-Productive Compassion" to describe what I see displayed across … [Read more...]

The Mouth Speaks

By Orrin Woodward For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. - Matthew 12:34 It’s amazing how much one can learn from a person just by listening. People who believe that they have a positive attitude, give away their negativity when they speak. I like to begin mentoring sessions with, “Tell me the good, the bad, and the … [Read more...]

Personal Responsibility: The First Step to Prosperity

By Garrett Gunderson If you want to live an abundant life, the first step is taking personal responsibility for everything that happens in your life without using excuses or placing blame. Another term for this is self-reliance. People who lack self-reliance are dependent.  Self-reliant people are independent internally and interdependent … [Read more...]

A New Look At Employment

By Oliver DeMille For decades the waves of history have moved paid work in the direction of increased specialization. A natural result of this trend has been the rising role of experts, along with what can be called superspecialization. As technology has kept pace with and benefitted from this development, our technological abilities have … [Read more...]

Finishing Well

By Chris Brady There is an abundance of sayings that address the concept of beginning something. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step," and "starting is more than half of finishing," are just two that come immediately to mind. But finishing is more important than starting. In my lifetime, I've seen a lot of people … [Read more...]

Leadership Control & Influence

By Orrin Woodward Don’t let the issues outside of your control, stop you from addressing issues inside of your control. If I have seen it once, I have seen it a thousand times, a talented person with a willingness to work, stopped cold by dwelling on issues outside of his control.  This type of thinking takes on many forms, but here's an … [Read more...]

How to Achieve Dysfunction Through Logical Fallacies

By David Grant Welcome one and all.  We are here today to teach you how to screw up your life. We hope you will apply the lessons you learn here to destroy your health, your marriage, every positive relationship, and make you poor, needy and dependent. Don’t worry, you can live on the government dole and someone else will do the work that … [Read more...]

The Incredible Power of Choice

By John Robert Crawford For many years I have been involved in the education of college students. After witnessing some of their stumbling, I began to give a little pep talk at the beginning of each freshman year. The plan was to encourage them to fight the good fight as they continued their education. Many of them were second-chance … [Read more...]

Increasing Our Intentional Influence

By Steve D'Annunzio Though it may be hard to believe, the underlying intention of all human behavior is happiness. Eons of experimentation have proven that trying to achieve happiness through fear and force is futile; it can only be achieved by choosing love and using power. The equation that I came up with to explain the Soul Purpose formula … [Read more...]

Focus on Terms Not Price To Prosper

By Garrett Gunderson In any transaction there is price and there are terms.  For example, the price of a home might be $300,000.  If the sellers want cash at closing and will not consider negotiating on other terms, you must either come up with $300,000 cash or secure a mortgage to purchase the property. If you were to get a mortgage, the … [Read more...]