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Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast

By Kevin Mogavero One of the best soldiers I met during my time in the Army was First Sergeant Zackary. He was my First Sergeant during our deployment to Iraq in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I’m sure you remember when we invaded Afghanistan and then, a short time later, we declared war with Iraq. My unit deployed the day we declared that … [Read more...]

The American Caste System

By Oliver DeMille The American framers overcame domination by an elite upper class by establishing a new system where every person was treated equally before the law. This led to nearly two centuries of increasing freedoms for all social classes, both genders and all citizens—whatever their race, religion, health, etc. During the Industrial Age … [Read more...]

The Leadership Search

By Orrin Woodward I searched for him half my life, named with an uncommon sound. I looked for him around the world, but this person refused to be found. Thankfully, I discovered him, the good news is, you can too. However, it won’t be easy, as he reveals himself to just a few. You can search our government assemblies, and only … [Read more...]

The Greatest Lust Of All: Power Over Others

Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.–George Washington In 1930s Germany, a unitary leader plead for sufficient power to make his homeland safe from the threats faced by his nation. The German people and their … [Read more...]

Education Insights: Unschooling Rules (A Book Review)

By Oliver DeMille Once in a while a truly great book comes along that you just can’t wait to tell everyone else to read. Unschooling Rules by Clark Aldrich is that kind of book. I started reading in the afternoon and couldn’t put it down until I finished. My first thought when I completed the last page was, “I wish I had written this!” My … [Read more...]

Free Enterprise, Capitalism, Great Systems Until…

By Kevin Mogavero There are a few interesting factors we should study when we look at our free enterprise and capitalistic-natured economy. First, consider that free enterprise evokes and encourages competition. Second, consider that the capitalist system requires an entity to generate profit to survive. Two things that I think have … [Read more...]

Width or Depth? Less May Be More

By Cris Brady A good book, I think, is distinguished by its ability to transport the reader to 'somewhere else.' By this, I mean more than pulp fiction escapism. I mean a place of new thought, philosophical territory as yet unexplored by the reader, fields of new information, lands of epiphany, skies of new considerations. One such … [Read more...]

Family Roles

By Oliver DeMille Nothing will have more impact on the future of the world than the future of families. This truism is sobering as we watch the decline of the family. As we consider the industrialized world, it is disturbing to note that even amongst those who espouse, promote and live a strong family lifestyle, some of the most basic roles … [Read more...]

Jonathan Edwards – Resolved to Serve with Humility

By Orrin Woodward Here is the section from my new book on Jonathan Edwards.Here is another great American who utilized the power of resolutions in his life. Have you implemented RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for LIFE into your life? Let’s start a resolution revolution together. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward Jonathan Edwards was a preacher, theologian, … [Read more...]

Get Your Hands Off My Cookie!

By Kevin Mogavero I heard a great story from Pastor Rob Rod the other day. It began with a woman at a crowded mall who had just sat down next to a gentleman about her age. She opened her newspaper and started to read. A few moments later, she reached over to grab one of her Oreo cookies only to notice that one was already gone! A … [Read more...]