By Oliver DeMille This is a follow-up article to this article. The Rise of Women In 2010 America saw more women than men in the paid workplace for the first time. In the wake of this major development, business is evolving in several significant ways. For example, columnist Jennifer Braunschweiger has outlined many changes ahead, … [Read more...]
Six Counterintuitive Ways For Entrepreneurs to Trump a Tough Economy
By Garrett Gunderson Hard economic times provide excellent strategic opportunities for entrepreneurs who are willing to buck conventional wisdom. Here are a few ways to do that. 1. Raise Salaries When so many employers are reducing their workforces and cutting salaries, step up by showing your employees how much you value Human Capital … [Read more...]
Unalienable Rights: They Have Nothing to Do With Aliens
By Kyle Roberts In my constitution classes I always ask the participants to define a "right.” The catch is they have to do it without using the word “right.” In my experience, whenever people are talking about rights, it is always in the context of a right to something: a right to life, to bear arms, to liberty, to property, to freely … [Read more...]
By Shanon Brooks Recently, someone ask me if I was happy with the changes in Utah State government (6 more Republicans in the House and 1 more in the Senate). “What changes?” I said. “You know, the legislature is more conservative now.” “Really? When did that happen?” I inquired. “I only see a changing of the guard, new … [Read more...]
The Education Crossroads, Part 2: Types of Education
By Oliver DeMille Read Part 1 Here But I do not believe that either the modern or the Shakespearean mindsets will influence our future as much as that from and even earlier age — the era of Virgil. I am convinced that Virgil’s understanding of freedom eclipses both of these others. Virgil witnessed Rome losing many of its freedoms, and he … [Read more...]
The Education Crossroads, Part 1: New Tribes Versus Cliques
By Oliver DeMille Education today is at a crossroads, and the options are fascinating. Certainly the rise of the Internet has revolutionized most industries, and its impact on education is expected to be significant. But the change in technology isn’t the only major shift which is impacting schooling. The end of the Cold War ushered in a … [Read more...]
Seven Spheres of Influence
By Dave Wilson I read in a recent piece by David Brooks that, “Over the past seven months, the number of people who say government is doing too many things better left to business has jumped from 40 percent to 48 percent, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.” My first reaction was, “Remember last year when ‘business’ ruined … [Read more...]
What Are We Sowing?
Our modern world is infatuated with the ends we have in our sight, the goals we want to accomplish, and the changes we want to see. Most people have the same needs and desires: liberty, happiness, security, prosperity, and peace. Why do we consistently find ourselves so far from where we want to be? The problem is two-fold: 1) we mistakenly … [Read more...]
Is Government Broken? Part 2: Lost Leaders
This is part-2 of a 3-part article. Read Part 1 Here We are unable to overcome these and many of our deepest challenges because of the way we distribute leadership in our society. The American founders envisioned a truly great educational system, built around schools in every locale, to train their youth in the great ideas of mankind’s … [Read more...]
5 Ways To Influence the External Economy With Internal Decisions
Every expert in America agrees that our economy is under serious strain. We even hear speculation that the U.S. is headed for another Great Depression. The government bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will cost taxpayers $5.3 trillion. The $700 billion bailout of other notable financial firms is a Band-aid approach to a gaping-wound … [Read more...]