The year 2013 is over, and it may go down in history as another drastically negative year like 1913. The hundred year itch? Maybe. The year started out with high political drama as Republicans and Democrats argued late into the nights on January 1 and 2 in search of a fiscal cliff agreement. In May and June we watched a domino series of … [Read more...]
The Future of Feminism by Oliver DeMille
It could be over. The whole, centuries-long debate between men and women, as well as between women and women, over the best role for women, may be coming to an end. Ironically, this hinges not so much on women or men, but on both. And on children too. Let me explain. Feminism has progressed through several phases in history. First, … [Read more...]
Overcoming Obamacare by Oliver DeMille
Do we have an answer yet? Not quite. But we're making progress. A few months ago I suggested that many companies were going to lay off a lot of employees when Obamacare went into effect -- starting in October 2013 and increasing for the next eighteen months. Then I asked for input from readers: How can business owners overcome the … [Read more...]
How to Solve the Immigration Problem by Oliver DeMille
I finally read a proposal in the mainstream media for an immigration policy that is based, at least partly, on the American founding model. The solution was suggested by Jagdish Bhagwati and Francisco Rivera-Batiz in their recent Foreign Affairs article, "A Kinder, Gentler Immigration Policy." This is exciting, and this can work. The … [Read more...]
If You’re Not Worried, You’re Not Paying Attention
We’ve been saved. Or have we? After a 16-day cliffhanger, where our very existence supposedly hung in the balance, a compromise was reached. Business will continue as usual in Washington D.C. with increased government growth and spending. In reality, the curtain has fallen on the latest performance of political theater. For all the contrived … [Read more...]
Obamacare is a Disaster – Oliver DeMille
The stories are coming out all over the nation. For example, Ashley Dionne is a 26-year-old woman with 2 college degrees. The cost of her monthly insurance premium has risen from $75 previously to $319 under Obamacare. She wrote: "Liberals claimed this law would help the poor. I am the poor, the working poor, and I can’t afford to … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are Heroes by Oliver DeMille
At some point, America is going to have to face reality. We can’t keep increasing government spending, debt, and borrowing without eventually paying for it. But the problem is deep: When Americans are asked if they want to get rid of our $17 trillion debt and huge deficits, they say, “Yes.” When they are told that we need to cut any … [Read more...]
What To Do About the Debt Ceiling – Oliver DeMille
We're hearing a lot on the news these days about America's debt ceiling and the danger of defaulting on our national debt. But the way this is being portrayed in the media is mostly a lie. No matter what Congress does on the debt ceiling, whether they raise it or not, we bring in 10 times as much in taxes every month as we need to keep … [Read more...]
“The One Big Thing”: The Big Battle Behind All Political Skirmishes – Oliver DeMille
At the beginning of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, he announced his intention to make the federal government’s finances so clear and easy that any farmer could understand them. Today this seems impossible, but Jefferson had two things going for him. First, these were the same farmers who read the Federalist Papers and understood them clearly. … [Read more...]