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America’s Looming Crash: Special Report Parts I, II, III by Oliver DeMille

I am an optimist. I believe the best of America and the world are still ahead. But we’re only going to get there by dealing with the reality that the United States is now in an era of significant decline. Specifically, at least two things happened this year that are major problems, and a third serious problem is gaining increased support among many … [Read more...]

This is the Book! by Oliver DeMille

From the desk of Rachel DeMille…. Oliver writes a lot, and has published many popular and successful books. But from my vantage point, I could see that his upcoming book is very, very different from all the rest – especially in his mind. I’ve watched Oliver’s intensity and anticipation regarding this work, and wanted to give you a peek into the … [Read more...]

The Law of Liberty by Oliver DeMille

When freedom is reduced for some, it is reduced for all. American founding father James Otis said in 1764, “The Parliament cannot make two and two, five…. Should an act of Parliament be against any of his [the Creator’s] natural laws, their declaration would be contrary to eternal truth, equity and justice, and consequently void.”[i] One of the … [Read more...]

The Bad Guy in America

by Oliver DeMille Question: "How much of the First Amendment would you like us to ignore?"  Answer: "How many lives would we want to save?" --State of Affairs television debut The Enemy? Almost every police drama and movie has a similar bad guy. The hero, usually a dedicated police officer or government agent with a painful personal past … [Read more...]

The Age of Gridlock!

(Why It Is Actually Good for America) Pointing or Passing Now that the 2014 midterm elections have been held, the whole political apparatus in the United States is gearing up for the 2016 presidential election. What does this mean for the next two years? Here’s what to expect: Hillary Clinton will now run against the Republican Congress. This … [Read more...]

Fixing Congress

A Broken System A recent article in Esquire magazine outlined how badly Congress is broken (November 2014 issue). It quoted current Congressmen from both parties who went to Washington to make a difference and find themselves deeply frustrated with what they can only describe as a broken system. Anyone who watches or reads the news on a regular … [Read more...]

What is Government? Part II: The Visa/Mastercard Solution

Just Try It In response to my article about Government is Force (where I mentioned that government was created mainly to protect our inalienable rights and that to do this it must focus almost entirely on law enforcement and national security and not get distracted on other things), a number of people asked about services and infrastructure like … [Read more...]

What Is Government?

(the short answer) What Must Be Understood I’m going to keep this very short, so it can be passed on to as many people as possible. It is extremely important, and every free person in the modern world needs to understand this! Here goes: Many modern Americans don’t understand what government is. The huge problem with this is that since they … [Read more...]

The New Ivy League – Oliver DeMille

The day of turning a college degree into a ready job and high pay is over. That was then. The new economy is different now, and many graduate schools are taking note. For example, The New York Times reported: "On a spring afternoon at Michigan State University, 15 law students are presenting start-up proposals to a panel of legal scholars … [Read more...]

Why Freedom is Losing: The Battle for Our Future – Oliver DeMille

De Jouvenel said it all in one profound paragraph: "From the twelfth to the eighteenth century governmental authority grew continuously. The process was understood by all who saw it happening; it stirred them to incessant protest and...reaction. In later times its growth has continued at an accelerated pace...And now we no longer understand the … [Read more...]