By Orrin Woodward Over the years, I have, through reading books and studying great leaders, developed a five step pattern to resolve conflict. Conflict will occur, whether its addressed and resolved, or not addressed and festering is up to the leaders in the community. I know of no other process that leaders can apply to their communities … [Read more...]
A New Call for Free Enterprise
A review of Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, Edited by Tobias J. Lanz By Oliver DeMille The message of this excellent book, Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, is straightforward and timely: both socialism and capitalism are lacking. But the book goes a step further, offering suggestions for what type of economy and society we should adopt in … [Read more...]
How To Fix Public Education
By Oliver DeMille Time magazine recently published a cover article on reforming American education, and its leading argument was the need for more great teachers. The details, however, contained more of the same old edu-bureaucratic ideas which have been promoted for the past thirty years. Opening the teacher rolls to more people with … [Read more...]
Public Education’s God Complex
By Bryan Hyde The term “God complex” is sometimes used to describe those in influential positions who behave with such arrogance that they believe they are acting as God Himself would--if only He had all the facts. A fairly recent textbook example of such all-knowing behavior involved members of the Utah State Board of Education. How ironic … [Read more...]
Self Governance: Our Job As Citizens
By Oliver DeMille My oldest daughter asked me recently, "What is the key thing to know about freedom?" I answered, local governance. The most basic unit of society--above the family--are small councils that include all adults in the decision-making process. These councils maintain freedom by including in all local decisions the voices and … [Read more...]
The Rise of Social Leadership
By Oliver DeMille It’s been decades since Peter Drucker predicted that non-profit organizations would be America’s biggest growth sector, and his foresight has proven accurate. However, he didn’t foretell one of the leadership trend of our time: Social Leadership. Political leadership has been a central part of life for centuries, business … [Read more...]
Find Success in the Fork in the Road
By Orrin Woodward It’s before 7 AM, on a foggy Saturday morning, and my mind is mulling over the personal development habits that produce champions. Everyone, without exception, can become a champion by changing his daily habits. One of the problems in life, is that bad habits are easy to develop, while good habits are hard to develop. … [Read more...]
Counter-Productive Compassion
By Chris Brady According to Ronald Reagan, some of the most dangerous words were, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." Reagan in that one little quip summed up what plagues much of the United State's current condition. Author W. Cleon Skousen coined the term "Counter-Productive Compassion" to describe what I see displayed across … [Read more...]
Culture Versus Institutions
By Oliver DeMille Free citizens are innovative, independent and giving. When these characteristics wane in a society, freedom decreases. When these values are bolstered, freedom grows. Because they are so important in free nations, institutions attempt to produce and market them. But the nature of innovation, independence and giving … [Read more...]
Food Safety At Any Cost?
By Bryan Hyde Sitting down to our daily meals is such a commonplace occurrence for most of us that we scarcely give it a second thought. But the safety of the food we eat is becoming the focal point of an increasingly intense tug of war between federal regulators and food growers and producers at every level—right down to our own … [Read more...]