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Changing Lanes, Part 2: Mediating Entities

This is part 2 of a 5-part article. Read Part 1 Here So what are "mediating entities" and why are they essential to a free society? The word mediate comes from the Latin mediare, which means “to be in the middle.” A mediator is one who stands in the middle of a dispute to help the parties find a common-ground resolution to the … [Read more...]

Changing Lanes: Circumventing Individualism Through Jurisprudential Policy, Part 1

This is part 1 of a 5-part article. The National Platform of the Libertarian Party defends the view that “all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner … [Read more...]

What is Your Standard?

Between the twelfth century and seventeenth centuries, Heraldic Standards were a symbolic form of communication both in courts and on the battlefield. It is no coincidence that the word standard -- a raised flag or banner -- contains the word "stand." It comes to us through Gothic standan (stand) and hardus (hard ) -- stand hard, or in … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: My Kingdom by Louisa May Alcott

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. My Kingdom Louisa May Alcott A little kingdom I possess where thoughts and feelings dwell, And very hard I find the task of governing it well; For passion tempts and troubles me, A wayward will misleads, And selfishness its … [Read more...]

The Anti-Federalists, Entrepreneurship, & the Future of Freedom, Part 6: Solutions

This is part 6 of a 6-part article. Click Here to Download a Printable Version of This Article Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here Read Part 4 Here Read Part 5 Here Solutions Old and New The anti-Federalist solutions for these problems may well have helped. They proposed that the people amend the Constitution, specifically in … [Read more...]

The Anti-Federalists, Entrepreneurship, & the Future of Freedom, Part 5: Treaty Power

This is part 5 of a 6-part article. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here Read Part 4 Here Anti-Federalist Prediction #6: The Treaty Power Will Be Abused Prediction: The treaty power will be used to change the Constitution in ways the people don’t even know about and that benefit the rich at the cost of the people’s … [Read more...]

The Anti-Federalists, Entrepreneurship, & the Future of Freedom, Part 4: Justice Lost

This is part 4 of a 6-part article. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here Anti-Federalist Prediction #5: Justice Will Be Lost as Government Grows Prediction: Governments will become so big and impersonal that even juries won’t know or care about the accused; enforcing the rules will be more important than true justice. … [Read more...]

The Anti-Federalists, Entrepreneurship, & the Future of Freedom, Part 3: States & Courts

This is part 3 of a 6-part article. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Anti-Federalist Prediction #3: Power Will Flow Away From the States Prediction: Power will flow consistently away from the states and increase the scope, size, and power of the federal government. Only major crisis, where the federal government falls, will ever send … [Read more...]

The Anti-Federalists, Entrepreneurship, & the Future of Freedom, Part 2: Executive Branch & National Debt

This is part 2 of a 6-part article. Read Part 1 Here Anti-Federalist Prediction #1: The Executive Branch Will Increase Influence Over National Budget Prediction: The Executive Branch will increase its say over the national budget and then drastically increase debt, run harmful deficits, engage in unconstitutional military actions, and … [Read more...]

The Anti-Federalists, Entrepreneurship, & the Future of Freedom, Part 1: Predictions

This is part 1 of a 6 -part article. Subsequent segments will be published daily. Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here Read Part 4 Here Like Gladstone, I believe the U.S. Constitution to be “the greatest work ever struck off by the mind and purpose of man.” Even though it had its flaws—especially slavery—it actually provided for the fixing … [Read more...]