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A Vital Leadership Trend that Isn’t Yet a Thing

by Oliver DeMille We need a whole new level of leadership. And we need it soon. Just consider some of our pressing national challenges: 75% of current Americans worry that another recession is coming. U.S. consumer confidence in June is at a six-month low. The average price of a gallon of gas in the United States was $3.88 at the … [Read more...]

The One Thing That Really Annoys Me

By Oliver DeMille I think I’ve heard every side of the education debate over the past two decades, including different theories of education, the pros and cons of each new educational fad and curriculum, and the opinions of those who support the typical education system versus the many differing views from those who don’t. I find most of this … [Read more...]

Type A Voters and the Simple Fix

By Oliver DeMille Raghuram Rajan of the University of Chicago recently said in Foreign Affairs (May/June 2012):   For decades before the financial crisis of 2008, advanced economies were losing their ability to grow by making useful things. "But they needed to somehow replace the jobs that had been lost to technology and foreign … [Read more...]


THE NEXT BIG TREND: Pooled Sovereignty by Oliver DeMille I recently spent two days in a Barnes and Noble reading the bestsellers on current trends and issues. I do this as often as I can—at least three times a year. Sometimes I emphasize business bestsellers, and other times I focus on political books. When I was too ill to do these visits … [Read more...]

Predicting Elections

By Oliver DeMille There are various methods and matrices for predicting elections, none of them infallible. But one does come pretty close. When an incumbent president is running for reelection, the growth rate of discretionary income citizens have during the first two quarters of the election year always accurately predicts the … [Read more...]

The Summer of 2012

What to Expect as the Year Heats Up By Oliver DeMille The temperatures are rising for summer, not just literally but also in politics, economics and culture. There are several important trends that are sure to influence the months ahead, and indeed the summer of 2012 promises to be both historic and memorable. Each of us should consider … [Read more...]

Right vs. Cool

The Upcoming Elections By Oliver DeMille Weeks ago I wrote an article about two kinds of voters in modern America, the traditionalists (who vote mostly based on issues) and the literalists (who vote pragmatically). The response has been both widespread and interesting. The feedback made it clear that a lot of independent voters understood and … [Read more...]

Capitalism vs. Capitalism

An Essential Debate for the Future of Freedom By Oliver DeMille There are two major types of economies: market and command. Within these two branches there are a number of subtypes, including various command-style economies such as socialism, communism, fascism, collectivism, authoritarianism and totalitarianism. The market-economy … [Read more...]

The New Challenge of Governments

By Oliver DeMille Globalization is changing the demand on governments around the world. Since the advent of the nation-state in 1648, the purpose of national government has been to protect its citizens from attack by international forces and domestic criminals. Local government has focused on providing the various needs of citizens as deemed … [Read more...]

Two Kinds of Voters

By Oliver DeMille There are two kinds of voters: Traditionalists and Pragmatists. Knowing the difference is vital—especially during election years. It helps us be better voters and guardians of freedom. The 2012 elections—local, state, and national—are pivotal to freedom. If we learn to understand the differences between these types of … [Read more...]