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The Shift from Institutional to Societal Leadership

Editor's Note: Oliver DeMille was recently featured on the cover of Leadership Excellence magazine, with an article on his upcoming book with Orrin Woodward, LeaderShift. Here is his article in its entirety. Download the PDF version of the complete magazine here. ******************* Once in a while in history, a LeaderShift occurs. It … [Read more...]

Your Personal Brand & the Margaritaville Concept

It happened to you and it's uniquely yours. No one else has your story. No one else has your particular mixture of experience and ability. Not only did God make you unique in all your parts, but the life He lets you live is just as uniquely yours. Nobody else experiences the world in exactly the same way as you. These concepts form the basis … [Read more...]

Are You Ready for the LeaderShift?

I'm excited for my new book, LeaderShift, and I think it’s incredibly important. As my co-author, business leader Orrin Woodward, put it: “Washington D.C. isn’t going to fix its problems anytime soon, so things are going to get worse in our politics and the economy until real leadership is found outside of government.” In short, it’s … [Read more...]

Why We Should Treat Our Work as a Calling

What’s the difference between a job and a vocation? It’s the difference between asking, “What do you do?” versus, “Who are you?” It’s the difference between a pile of ingredients and a fresh loaf of bread. A job is simply a task that we perform for hire. But our vocation is based on a sense of calling, the pursuit of purpose or mission that … [Read more...]

12 Ways to Live the Second Great Commandment

“Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said unto him, “thou shalt love the lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt … [Read more...]

Four Possible Futures

There are at least four major views of how governments are likely to lead the world in the decades ahead and what we can expect of the 2st Century. I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating because not enough people are thinking about it. Here are the four possible futures: 1. Another U.S. Century: In this view nations will … [Read more...]

Top 10 Reasons People Quit Something Worthy

For nearly twenty years I’ve worked with people in an entrepreneurial setting, encouraging and coaching them to fulfill their dreams and goals. I’ve seen people come and I’ve seen people go, and through it all there emerges a pattern of behavior. I’ve often been asked, “What’s the difference between those who ‘make it’ and those who … [Read more...]

The Corruption of the Word “Hero”

Words tend to change over time. These changes mean that once-clear definitions are at risk of gradually becoming corrupted. Though our language is always in a mild state of flux, it appears that the word “hero” is now numbered among those terms most rapidly losing their true meaning. It used to be that a hero was a celebrated figure who … [Read more...]

Raising a “Natural Nobility”

In the early 18th Century, three young colonial Americans resolved to build lives of virtue through the study and application of daily resolutions. George Washington, through tireless sacrificial leadership and against indescribable odds, defeated the mighty British Empire with his ragtag group of colonial volunteers. Benjamin Franklin, … [Read more...]

How the Next Two Weeks Determine the Future of Freedom

Two weeks from now we’ll know. Once and for all, we’ll see where the nation is headed for the next four years. It may seem like a little thing, but it isn’t. If Congress caves in to the White House in the next two weeks, or to its perception of what the voters really want, we’re in for a marathon of decline. If not, if Congress shuts down … [Read more...]