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The Silver Lining in the Obama Scandals

It’s starting to seem like it was the Obama Administration that made the following saying famous: “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.” The idea behind this quip was that when a big crisis came, the White House should use it to push its big-government agenda. In an ironic twist, the current triple scandals (IRS, Benghazi, and Associated … [Read more...]

The Person Most Likely to Save America

You don’t have be a pessimist to sense that the battle for the soul of America has ramped up sharply over the past few years. Politically, economically, spiritually and culturally, society continues to drift away from the foundational principles upon which our liberty was established. Too many Americans have been trained for generations to … [Read more...]

An Audience of One

She knocks on the door to my office and waits until I motion her in. Politely she asks with expectant eyes if I'd like to visit her "gum store." For once making the right choice (trying to remember if I've put her off earlier for the same request), I rise from my work and take her by the hand. Her big brown eyes and freckled face are all … [Read more...]


We now live an Electionocracy. This means that the elections never end. Once a person is elected to office, especially at the national level, he or she doesn’t get to stop campaigning and focus on governing. Instead, everyone in office is required to keep campaigning even as they serve. One the one hand, this is a negative development in a … [Read more...]

Why America is in Decline

People often compare America’s decline with the fall of Rome or the Ottoman Empire. Another apt parallel to our time can be found in the British experience with the American Revolutionary War. The British Army and Navy was much bigger, more well-trained, and more highly funded than the Continental Army, and most observers -- on both sides … [Read more...]

Freeing the Prisoner in My Skull-Sized Kingdom

It had to have been a conspiracy. It was as if every force in the universe was aligned against us. Everything that could go wrong was going wrong. But not in the way I first thought. The ordeal started while enjoying a family tradition of taking the kids to our favorite restaurant each week. The restaurant was unusually busy that evening, … [Read more...]

“If it Saves Just One Life…”

Like everyone, I was shocked and dismayed by the the Newtown, Connecticut shooting. I grieved for the families who lost children. What an incomprehensible act of violence. It will indeed be a black mark on American history. And as much as I feel their loss and grieve with those families, I still believe that citizens have a right and duty to … [Read more...]

A Looming Crisis — and a Call for Solutions

Most Americans have no ideas it is coming. But it is just around the corner. It’s one of those technical changes that only wonks pay attention to, so few people realize how big this will be. In fact, it’s a serious crisis in the making. And unlike the Y2K scare in 1999, this crisis is a sure thing. The crisis is this: In January, many … [Read more...]

Word Magic and My Labelmaker

It looked like just another piece of junk at the yard sale. But I knew better. For me, as a young boy, it represented the ability to practice word magic. Soon I was labeling anything within reach with my well-used label maker. Toys, books, furniture, even pictures were soon clearly labeled for anyone who may have been … [Read more...]

How to Overcome a Lack of Natural Talent

Some people begin the journey to success in a particular endeavor endowed with obvious natural talent. Others, however (and most, as it turns out), are not so gifted. This second group has to work harder to do what the first group was able to do naturally. Over time, however, the differences between starting points fade … [Read more...]