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Understanding the Real Battle for the Future of Freedom – Oliver DeMille

The following describes one side of the modern battle for our future: "You believe you can change the world for good, one person at a time. You prioritize your children and your neighbors above your own consumption. Fulfillment for you comes through love and service, not accumulation of material goods." And the next one describes how the other … [Read more...]

Choose Your Allegiance With Care

I knew it was wrong. I grappled with my choice. But in the end, my allegiance was wrong. Many years ago while attending college I auditioned to be in a play. Since the play was a comedy, I had high hopes of being cast. I had discovered some time earlier that the only sound sweeter than applause was applause mixed with laughter. I was elated when … [Read more...]

16 Ways Rome is a Mirror of Current America – Oliver DeMille

Studying history is always the best way to understand our current world and current events. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Reading Livy’s classic, History of Early Rome, this last month has been very enlightening. There are so many parallels between Rome and current events in America. Burke really was correct: if we don’t … [Read more...]

A Surprising Word Choice by America’s Founders – Oliver DeMille

One of the most surprising events in the American founding occurred when the Continental Congress used the word “happiness” in the Declaration of Independence. Up to that point, it was not a word often utilized in great political writings. Words like “justice,” “liberty,” “property,” “honor,” “power,” “rights” and others were expected in such a … [Read more...]

Why Entrepreneurship is Vital to Free Society by Oliver DeMille

I write and speak a lot about entrepreneurship, because my purpose and mission is to promote freedom. I was recently asked whether my real focus is entrepreneurship or freedom, and I responded that they are the same topic. The other person in the conversation was surprised, but after we talked she seemed convinced. I think a lot of modern … [Read more...]

Expanding Your Circle of Influence

One of the greatest truths I’ve ever learned came from a cave man in the film “10,000 B.C.” The film is set in prehistoric times and tells the story of two young nomads growing up together. After becoming the leader of the tribe, one of the young men faces an almost impossible challenge when a more highly advanced civilization kidnaps and … [Read more...]

The Rising Aristocracy in America – and How to Stop It by Oliver DeMille

In the past year there has been an amazing rash of articles on the increase of aristocratic attitudes in American society and culture. For example, school admissions are struggling with the sense of entitlement many families and other groups now feel, and major theme parks like Disney and Universal Studios have responded to affluent ticket … [Read more...]

The Death of the Middle Class by Oliver DeMille

Columnist Joe Klein said on The Chris Matthews Show: “This is the biggest problem that we’re facing going forward. We were a homogenous, middle class country, by and large, for the fifty years after World War II. “Now we’re no longer homogenous, and there’s a good aspect to that in that we have become a true multiracial country. But there’s … [Read more...]

Leaders Don’t Have to Be Shouters

A friend of mine threw in the towel recently. She’s grown weary of trying to dialogue with libertarians. She feels they’re rude, condescending, and unwilling to work with her on political issues. This is a common perception. Unfortunately, it also accurately describes virtually everyone who frames his or her political beliefs in strictly … [Read more...]

While America Sleeps by Oliver DeMille

In 1938 Winston Churchill wrote one of the most important books in history, While England Slept. He argued that between 1932 and 1938 the British government ignored the rising challenges posed by Hitler’s Germany. Why didn’t the government see what was obvious to Churchill and many others? Why didn’t it make hard choices early in order to … [Read more...]