Everyone has experienced walking into a room of strangers and not exactly knowing what to do. Where do you sit? Who do you talk to? What do you do with your hands? Is everyone looking at you? What are they thinking? These feelings of insecurity are natural, but they don’t have to be permanent. In fact, one of the worst things that can … [Read more...]
“The One Big Thing”: The Big Battle Behind All Political Skirmishes – Oliver DeMille
At the beginning of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, he announced his intention to make the federal government’s finances so clear and easy that any farmer could understand them. Today this seems impossible, but Jefferson had two things going for him. First, these were the same farmers who read the Federalist Papers and understood them clearly. … [Read more...]
Do We Even Deserve Freedom? – Oliver DeMille
Treaties are rewriting the U.S. Constitution. The framers gave the executive branch, balanced by the Senate, the authority to make treaties for the good of the nation, and they described "the supreme law of the land" as the Constitution itself along with any duly passed amendments, laws and treaties. In other words, to read the Constitution, … [Read more...]
Understanding the Real Battle for the Future of Freedom – Oliver DeMille
The following describes one side of the modern battle for our future: "You believe you can change the world for good, one person at a time. You prioritize your children and your neighbors above your own consumption. Fulfillment for you comes through love and service, not accumulation of material goods." And the next one describes how the other … [Read more...]
Choose Your Allegiance With Care
I knew it was wrong. I grappled with my choice. But in the end, my allegiance was wrong. Many years ago while attending college I auditioned to be in a play. Since the play was a comedy, I had high hopes of being cast. I had discovered some time earlier that the only sound sweeter than applause was applause mixed with laughter. I was elated when … [Read more...]
A Surprising Word Choice by America’s Founders – Oliver DeMille
One of the most surprising events in the American founding occurred when the Continental Congress used the word “happiness” in the Declaration of Independence. Up to that point, it was not a word often utilized in great political writings. Words like “justice,” “liberty,” “property,” “honor,” “power,” “rights” and others were expected in such a … [Read more...]
Why Entrepreneurship is Vital to Free Society by Oliver DeMille
I write and speak a lot about entrepreneurship, because my purpose and mission is to promote freedom. I was recently asked whether my real focus is entrepreneurship or freedom, and I responded that they are the same topic. The other person in the conversation was surprised, but after we talked she seemed convinced. I think a lot of modern … [Read more...]
Expanding Your Circle of Influence
One of the greatest truths I’ve ever learned came from a cave man in the film “10,000 B.C.” The film is set in prehistoric times and tells the story of two young nomads growing up together. After becoming the leader of the tribe, one of the young men faces an almost impossible challenge when a more highly advanced civilization kidnaps and … [Read more...]