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What is Government? Part II: The Visa/Mastercard Solution

Just Try It In response to my article about Government is Force (where I mentioned that government was created mainly to protect our inalienable rights and that to do this it must focus almost entirely on law enforcement and national security and not get distracted on other things), a number of people asked about services and infrastructure like … [Read more...]

What Is Government?

(the short answer) What Must Be Understood I’m going to keep this very short, so it can be passed on to as many people as possible. It is extremely important, and every free person in the modern world needs to understand this! Here goes: Many modern Americans don’t understand what government is. The huge problem with this is that since they … [Read more...]

The Real Story Behind the Current Political Shift – Oliver DeMille

Washington doesn't get it. The news programs for the past few weeks have been talking about the "Political Earthquake" signaled by the latest primary elections. Tea Party candidates have won a few surprising races, and the media isn't sure how to explain it. They're labeling it a new Tea Party resurgence, harbinger of a new Republican … [Read more...]

The Legacy of 2013? -Oliver DeMille

The year 2013 is over, and it may go down in history as another drastically negative year like 1913. The hundred year itch? Maybe. The year started out with high political drama as Republicans and Democrats argued late into the nights on January 1 and 2 in search of a fiscal cliff agreement. In May and June we watched a domino series of … [Read more...]

A Huge Shift is Coming to America – Oliver DeMille

We entered a new cycle of history during 2013. Like any cycle, this one started small. But it is growing quickly, and it is already swaying the future. To understand this, let's briefly go back to the beginning -- when this cycle was first described. In 1836, even before Alexis de Tocqueville finished his famous classic, Democracy in America, a … [Read more...]

Overcoming Obamacare by Oliver DeMille

Do we have an answer yet? Not quite. But we're making progress. A few months ago I suggested that many companies were going to lay off a lot of employees when Obamacare went into effect -- starting in October 2013 and increasing for the next eighteen months. Then I asked for input from readers: How can business owners overcome the … [Read more...]

How to Solve the Immigration Problem by Oliver DeMille

I finally read a proposal in the mainstream media for an immigration policy that is based, at least partly, on the American founding model. The solution was suggested by Jagdish Bhagwati and Francisco Rivera-Batiz in their recent Foreign Affairs article, "A Kinder, Gentler Immigration Policy." This is exciting, and this can work. The … [Read more...]

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are Heroes by Oliver DeMille

At some point, America is going to have to face reality. We can’t keep increasing government spending, debt, and borrowing without eventually paying for it. But the problem is deep: When Americans are asked if they want to get rid of our $17 trillion debt and huge deficits, they say, “Yes.” When they are told that we need to cut any … [Read more...]

A Letter Every American Should Read

The recent vague though elevated state of “terror readiness” was a nice touch. The timing was perfect. It’s just what we’d expect when serious public dissent over NSA domestic spying is building across America and even within Congress. Someone in the national security state must be getting worried. Maybe that’s why they’re trying to remind … [Read more...]

What To Do About the Debt Ceiling – Oliver DeMille

We're hearing a lot on the news these days about America's debt ceiling and the danger of defaulting on our national debt. But the way this is being portrayed in the media is mostly a lie. No matter what Congress does on the debt ceiling, whether they raise it or not, we bring in 10 times as much in taxes every month as we need to keep … [Read more...]