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“Oh, Spaniard, You Should See the Colosseum!”

by Chris Brady Here's a snippet from a manuscript I'm roughing while here in Italy; musings on the Colosseum in Rome. I also struggled, as I guess most do, with the purpose behind this amphitheatre. This enormous, beautiful structure was constructed as a showcase of cruelty. Only God knows how many murders occurred here, how many innocent … [Read more...]

Would You Rather Be Safe or Free?

By Bryan Hyde With another renewal of the PATRIOT Act recently, it's clear that the debate still centers over whether the act goes too far or doesn't go far enough to protect against terrorism. A better question would be: Is the proper role of government to keep us safe or to keep us free? At stake is whether national security--namely … [Read more...]

The Great Political Issue of Our Time

By Oliver DeMille 1913 was a banner year for the United States. During this year the 16th and 17th Amendments were passed and the Federal Reserve was created. Students of American freedom have long debated about the damaging effects of these three occurrences. The year 1913 also marks the modern start of a long trend of increased spending … [Read more...]

Strategies to Increase the Size of Government

By Oliver DeMille When the Bush Administration lost the support of Congress to Democrats in the 2006 midterm election, it simply turned its focus to pushing its agenda through administrative policy in the numerous governmental agencies. The Obama Administration has said that it will do the same thing if it loses the House and/or Senate in the … [Read more...]

A New Call for Free Enterprise

A review of Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, Edited by Tobias J. Lanz By Oliver DeMille The message of this excellent book, Beyond Capitalism and Socialism, is straightforward and timely: both socialism and capitalism are lacking. But the book goes a step further, offering suggestions for what type of economy and society we should adopt in … [Read more...]

Public Education’s God Complex

By Bryan Hyde The term “God complex” is sometimes used to describe those in influential positions who behave with such arrogance that they believe they are acting as God Himself would--if only He had all the facts. A fairly recent textbook example of such all-knowing behavior involved members of the Utah State Board of Education. How ironic … [Read more...]

Self Governance: Our Job As Citizens

By Oliver DeMille My oldest daughter asked me recently, "What is the key thing to know about freedom?" I answered, local governance. The most basic unit of society--above the family--are small councils that include all adults in the decision-making process. These councils maintain freedom by including in all local decisions the voices and … [Read more...]

The Camel’s Nose Under the Tent Flap

By Chris Brady People don't like to be told what to do.  Even children are not very receptive to instruction. So when governments set out to take over peoples' freedoms (which means, quite simply, government telling people what to do instead of people making their own choices) they have to get crafty. Some serious skill is required. … [Read more...]

Our New National Hymn: How Great We Art

By Bryan Hyde "Raise their heads on gilded poles! Roast the fatted calf! We need a rousing song--summon Toby Keith!" - from The Onion on the killing of Usay & Quday Hussein by U.S forces in 2003. The past couple of weeks have revealed a great deal about the character of the average American. It's not exactly good news either. When … [Read more...]

What Type of Government Does America Have Today?

By Oliver DeMille -Free democracies protect the property of all. -Socialist nations protect the property of none. -Monarchies consider all property the estate of the king. -Aristocracies have one set of property and investment laws for the very rich and a different one for the rest.* -Free democracies assess tax money fairly from all … [Read more...]