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Weak Versus Strong-Force Attractors

By Steve D’Annunzio Everything in the universe is energy in a constant state of vibration. Even a chair, a lamp, a car, everything—at a subatomic level—is particles and waves in an energetic state of constant movement. The universe is a frequency spectrum of infinite vibration. Physical matter possesses a great variety of vibrational … [Read more...]

Jesuits, Teens, Romance, Statistics and Frontal Lobe Development

By David Grant In 1552, St. Francis Xavier, one of the founders of the Jesuits, sailed to China in an effort to convert souls to Christianity. He never made it to the mainland, but others would soon follow who would have vast impact in China and on world technology exchange. The same efforts were undertaken at about the same time in South … [Read more...]

Let Us Dare: Writings From John Adams

By Shanon Brooks In late 1765, John Adams began writing an essay entitled, "A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law." He was 30 years old and just beginning to stretch his legal and political wings. His purpose for writing this essay was to contrast the tyranny of feudal and canon law with the glorious struggle for freedom in the … [Read more...]

The Vital Shift From Issues to Forms

By Kyle Roberts You can never change things by fighting the present reality. Instead, change the model that has created it, and the reality will change automatically. Another way to say this is you can never change things by haggling over issues and their complex nature. Instead reexamine the form, or the structure, or the system that … [Read more...]

Learning in Earth School

By Steve D’Annunzio Human beings repeat the same mistakes over and over. We see this tendency with people who have many relationships, but none work. We see people have many jobs, but none offer satisfaction. We live in a school called Earth. Every person and event contains a valuable lesson. All lessons will be repeated until … [Read more...]

Are Blind Spots Crippling You?

By Chris Brady There is a saying that I have always liked: "The difference between self-perception and reality is often enormous." The size of that difference is called a "blind spot." Unfortunately, we all have them. Perhaps the way you chew your food drives people crazy. Or maybe you interrupt others constantly and annoy them as a … [Read more...]

The Power of Reality Statements

By Steve D’Annunzio The fruit of any tree comes from the root. What is at the “root” of your “tree,” or in other words, what occurs consistently in your inner world that determines your outer world? What are your inner conversations? Are they empowering? Are they loving? Are they forgiving? Do they lead you to the greatest and highest … [Read more...]

Free Download: Reweaving the Fabric of Freedom

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead We've been working hard to produce our latest white paper, "Reweaving the Fabric of Freedom: Finding Your Path in a Comprehensive Plan to Revitalize America." Click Here to Download the White Paper … [Read more...]

Are You Powerless?

By Joelle Mancuso “So, what am I supposed to do now? My child has to do AP courses, play an instrument, perform community service, and play after-school sports so that they can get into a good college. It’s what they are supposed to do!” These were common statements by parents of school-aged children after watching the documentary “Race to … [Read more...]

The Marriage Plot and the End of Men, Part II: Feminism’s Future

By Oliver DeMille This is Part II of a series. Click here for Part I. So where are we heading in modern male/female relations? The trends seem to indicate that men will be even less inclined toward or committed to marriage, and women will earn more. Men and women will expect less and less from each other, except in marriage — where the … [Read more...]