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Archives for 2013

State Power Versus Social Power – Orrin Woodward

Human societies are in never-ending struggle between the forces seeking to optimize State Power and those seeking to optimize Social Power. The gain for one is the loss of the other. Accordingly, the reason society finds it so difficult to rest the Power Pendulum in concord is that these two forces wage an endless war within society. … [Read more...]

A Huge Shift is Coming to America – Oliver DeMille

We entered a new cycle of history during 2013. Like any cycle, this one started small. But it is growing quickly, and it is already swaying the future. To understand this, let's briefly go back to the beginning -- when this cycle was first described. In 1836, even before Alexis de Tocqueville finished his famous classic, Democracy in America, a … [Read more...]

Overcoming Obamacare by Oliver DeMille

Do we have an answer yet? Not quite. But we're making progress. A few months ago I suggested that many companies were going to lay off a lot of employees when Obamacare went into effect -- starting in October 2013 and increasing for the next eighteen months. Then I asked for input from readers: How can business owners overcome the … [Read more...]

Lessons Learned from the “Water Heater Lady”

It was an extremely unlikely friendship. She was at least 60 years my senior. We only met once face to face. Still, I consider Virginia one of the dearest friends I'll ever know. When I started my radio career nearly 30 years ago, I quickly learned the difference between listeners and fans. Within a year of being on the air, I had a small but … [Read more...]

What’s Really Happening to Our Nation? -Oliver DeMille

It happened on the same day. Two people, who as far as I know don't know each other, asked me the same question. Or, to be more precise, they asked two different questions that have the same answer. In truth, this is a question that a lot of Americans have on their mind right now. Many of them don't even realize it, but every time they watch … [Read more...]

Lift Where You Stand

I recently texted a buddy of mine and said, "I know we will change the world." His response has caused me much pondering and reflection: "And it will be done by everyone lifting where they stand." All too often, we shirk our duties and think, "Someone else is supposed to do that." We think our call is either too significant or not important … [Read more...]

How to Solve the Immigration Problem by Oliver DeMille

I finally read a proposal in the mainstream media for an immigration policy that is based, at least partly, on the American founding model. The solution was suggested by Jagdish Bhagwati and Francisco Rivera-Batiz in their recent Foreign Affairs article, "A Kinder, Gentler Immigration Policy." This is exciting, and this can work. The … [Read more...]

The Big Lie in America – Oliver DeMille

The Big Lie dominates Washington and much of our American culture. The lie, in a nutshell, argues that as government increases regulation, our society improves. This lie has lasted a long time, mainly because our society is divided between two versions of The Big Lie. The Democratic version contends that as the government increases regulation on … [Read more...]

America Needs a Magna Carta Moment

A friend of mine recently commented on Facebook that “We need another Magna Carta type event today, led by the states towards the Federal Government.” The original event he refers to took place nearly 800 years ago in a meadow near Runnymede in England. It was there that a collection of influential barons forced King John, at sword point, to … [Read more...]

It’s Time for Optimism & Leadership – Oliver DeMille

It's time for optimism in America. Right now. I'm convinced that the best era of America is still ahead. And it's time to start building it, even if Washington won't, and even if the politicians are going to bring us both ups and downs in the years ahead. When we turn on the news, we hear of debts ceilings, a $17 trillion national debt, … [Read more...]