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Tired of Losing Jobs Overseas?

Blame the Deficit, Not Free Trade We read in the paper "Another 60,000 jobs lost overseas." We haven’t had a positive balance in trade since 1975. We are losing our domestic manufacturing at an unprecedented rate. From almost every direction the cry is made for fair trade. We are told that we must increase tariffs or our domestic economy … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Thoughts Are Things By Henry Van Dyke

Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Thoughts Are Things Henry Van Dyke I hold it true that thoughts are things; They’re endowed with bodies and breath and wings; And that we send them forth to fill The world with good results, or ill. That which we call our secret … [Read more...]

Defining Ourselves By Our Enemies

When a federal judge earlier this week struck down portions of Arizona's attempt to crack down on illegal immigration it certainly riled up those who've chosen this issue as their figurative last stand. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a darling of the forces of so-called "law and order" (so long as it's being enforced against someone else), was quick to … [Read more...]

The Deeper Importance of the 2010 Election

Blame is easier than leadership. It’s been long enough since the announcement of the “Great Recession” that a shelf of books are now out—each outlining the “real” causes of the recession and its unsettling impact on the American psyche and economy. Unfortunately, most of these books are essays on blame. The two major political parties … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: The Spinning World by Lacey Roop

Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Lacey Roop is a well-known slam poet in Austin, Texas. Read more of her poetry here. The Spinning World Lacey Roop And some have this habit of looking out of windows and calling it impossible. They look forward to sleeping so … [Read more...]

10 Financial Myths to Defeat in Economic Downturns

America has been plagued by financial myths since the Great Depression. With the current recession, perhaps the threat of even another depression, it’s time to expose these financial myths. Anyone who can see and apply the truth beyond the myths will prosper, even under adverse economic factors. The following are ten financial myths—overcome … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: “Totally like whatever, you know?” by Taylor Mali

Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Totally like whatever, you know? Taylor Mali In case you hadn't noticed, it has somehow become uncool to sound like you know what you're talking about? Or believe strongly in what you're saying? Invisible question marks and … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Opportunity by Edward Rowland Sill

Please contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Opportunity Edward Rowland Sill THIS I beheld, or dreamed it in a dream:-- There spread a cloud of dust along a plain; And underneath the cloud, or in it, raged A furious battle, and men yelled, and swords Shocked upon … [Read more...]

What “Freedom” Means For a New Criminal Justice System

Freedom. Let it ring! Freedom. What does it mean? Although the Greeks and Romans discussed Liberty and Independence and what it meant in their city-states and republic, Freedom is essentially an Anglo-American concept in political philosophy, having its origin in ancient Germanic languages and being used in the culture of the … [Read more...]

The Linguistic Relationship between the Aramaic of Jesus and the Arabic of the Qur’an

When an Arabic-speaking Muslim friend saw Mel Gibson’s movie Passion of the Christ with most of the dialogue in Aramaic, he was very surprised that he did not need most of the subtitles in English to understand the movie! This connection is a critical bridge builder: sister languages, the Arabic, and the Aramaic, the written language which was … [Read more...]