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Conditioning Us for the Next War

Just this morning I received an e-mail from a friend breathlessly warning of the dangers of impending Sharia law in America. The e-mail contained a series of photos of an Iranian boy whose arm was being crushed beneath a car's tire for the crime of stealing. Why aren't we bombing them already? Wow. I guess everything we've heard … [Read more...]

Is Government Broken? Part 3

This is part 3 of a 3-part article. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here The New Religion: Employeeship Unfortunately, it’s not just the schools and universities that are continuing this outdated focus on jobs as the end-all of education and life. Movies and television often demonize entrepreneurs while dedicating most of their time to … [Read more...]

Is Government Broken? Part 2: Lost Leaders

This is part-2 of a 3-part article. Read Part 1 Here We are unable to overcome these and many of our deepest challenges because of the way we distribute leadership in our society. The American founders envisioned a truly great educational system, built around schools in every locale, to train their youth in the great ideas of mankind’s … [Read more...]

Is Government Broken? Part 1

This is part 1 of a 3-part article. Subsequent segments will be published daily. Is our government broken? More and more people think so. The current presidential administration makes periodic claims that we are in an economic recovery, but at the same time growth is still slowing and unemployment figures stay around ten percent. With … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: In Those Years by Adrienne Rich

Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. In Those Years Adrienne Rich In those years, people will say, we lost track of the meaning of we, of you we found ourselves reduced to I and the whole thing became silly, ironic, terrible: we were trying to live a … [Read more...]

The Victim Juggernaut

The way some people use the term “mainstream media,” you would think it has only  four letters.  The opposite of this MSM is, of course, the underground, iconoclastic, revolutionary side-stream media that is struggling to make its voice heard above the roar of the mighty river that is the mainstream. The demonization of the mainstream media … [Read more...]

Why Learning Organizations Pulverize Their Competition

“The only significant competitive advantage is your organization’s ability to learn faster than the competition.” – Peter Senge I love this statement because I believe this is the key advantage of one organization over another.  Without the ability to learn and grow quickly, changes in the marketplace will diminish your ability to … [Read more...]

Feed the Golden Goose that Produces Wealth — No Matter What

America needs an economic diet; we've become economically obese, both individually and as a nation. Let me explain: *If you're reading this in an RSS reader or email, you may need to click the title of the post to view the video on our blog. There are two uses for your money: One is productive One is wasteful (and possibly even … [Read more...]

Disturbing Parallels Between America & 1930s Germany

The practice of invoking a comparison between your opponent's argument and Nazi ideology is such a common occurrence in internet discussions that, years ago, an author and attorney named Mike Godwin coined a tongue-in-cheek adage known as "Godwin's Law." Strictly speaking, this tactic constitutes an informal fallacy in that it relies upon … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: The Present Crisis by James Russell Lowell

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Contribute your thoughts to the community by commenting below. The Present Crisis James Russell Lowell WHEN a deed is done for Freedom, through the broad earth's aching breast Runs a thrill of joy prophetic, trembling on from east to west, And the slave, where'er he cowers, feels the soul within him … [Read more...]