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Why Societies Decline, Part 1: The Positive Effects of Adversity

This is part 1 of a 2-part article. Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is often cited by people trying to see where America is on the long path of her place in history. Certainly the detail of Gibbon’s work is full of specifics and nuance. But another work may be even more helpful. Although it is more … [Read more...]

Islam on Trial

A recent (ahem) debate on a forum I'm involved with started out as a discussion on the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" -- a textbook example of Joseph Goebbel's "repeat a lie often enough" dictum -- but quickly deteriorated into what amounted to a trial of the Islamic faith. I claim no expertise on the subject of Islam, but I've encountered … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: The Man With a Hoe by Edwin Markham

Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. The Man with a Hoe Edwin Markham Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans Upon his hoe and gazes on the ground, The emptiness of ages in his face, And on his back, the burden of the world. Who made him dead to rapture and … [Read more...]

Exposing Financial Sacred Cows

The current economy is rife with uncertainty. The danger is that uncertainty creates optimal conditions for financial myths to be created and for existing myths to be reinforced. When people make decisions from fear and scarcity, rather than confidence and abundance, destructive myths gain an even greater stronghold. Myths become “sacred … [Read more...]

What if Elections Can’t Fix Washington?

“Clearly there was only one escape for them—into stupidity. They could keep society in its existing shape only by being unable to grasp that any improvement was possible.” —George Orwell Orwell was speaking of the national leaders during Britain’s decline, but his words certainly could apply to the United States today. Independents rose as a … [Read more...]

Aggression Doesn’t Change Anything

This op-ed in the New York Times has me worried. Editorialist Frank Rich argues that our political dialogue has become more radical. The biggest reason why, he says, is panic about "a new era of cultural and demographic change." He points to cases of protesters carrying weapons or shouting incendiary phrases at political rallies. He … [Read more...]

Confronting Reality or Passing the Buck?

One of my favorite quotes is: “There are only two ways to fail: Listen to no one or listen to everyone.” When you are new to a job or business, it is important to find mentors who will encourage and guide you through the rough waters. Having a mentor is important, so choose wisely. Ensure you are listening to someone who has achieved the … [Read more...]

How are the OTHERS Doing?

It stopped me dead in my tracks when I read it. As a result, I put the book down and couldn't come back to it for days. When I finally did, I was still stunned by the revelation of my inadequacy. What was it that shot like a lightening bolt of illumination into my blinded mind? This statement: "To determine how well you are doing as a … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry

Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. The Peace of Wild Things Wendell Berry When despair grows in me and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's life may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his … [Read more...]

The 8 Principles of the Prosperity Paradigm

I teach the following eight principles in The Soul Purpose Institute and my book The Prosperity Paradigm. If lived, these principles will unlock your potential and lead you to experience unprecedented peace, joy, and fulfillment. 1. Collective human behavior/beliefs do not qualify those behavior/beliefs to be truth. The world is mad, … [Read more...]