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How to Destroy the Constitution, Part 3: The Overseers of Freedom

This part 3 in a 3-part article. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Some might argue that our elected representatives should keep an eye on such things and take care of them for us. True enough; except for one thing: Despite of all their good intentions and willingness to step up and lead, most of these representatives are ultimately just … [Read more...]

How to Destroy the Constitution, Part 2: The Power of the Fine Print

This is part 2 of a 3-part article. Read Part 1 Here Many Americans ignore the fine print in job contracts and mortgage papers, blithely signing our signatures and trusting others to handle the details. Consider how lax we are with proposed bills in Washington DC: They are written by someone we don’t know and voted on by people few of us … [Read more...]

How to Destroy the Constitution, Part 1: Vital Foundations of Freedom

This is part 1 of a 3-part article. Subsequent segments will be published daily. DEMOCRATS, REPUBLICANS, AND INDEPENDENTS don’t agree on much, but most of them do believe in the excellence and effectiveness of the U.S. Constitution. A group this diverse will, of course, have some disagreements on the details, but it is amazing how nearly all … [Read more...]

How Independents Can Make a Difference in Politics

I live in Utah -- one of the most Republican-leaning states in the country, right? And yet, the majority of voters are not registered Republicans. In fact, only 31.5% are registered as Republicans, and only 7.4% as Democrats. Nearly 61% are registered as “unaffiliated” or independents. Then why does the Republican tail wag the Utah dog? … [Read more...]

Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work

The Law of Attraction doesn't work. At least, not the way it's been taught and how most people try to apply it. Millions of people have seen or read The Secret and believe in the Law of Attraction, but have been very disappointed with their poor results in using it. The premise of “The Law” is tantalizing: Whatever you think, if you … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Poem by Tom Clark

Contribute your thoughts on the poem to the community by commenting below. Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Poem Tom Clark Like musical instruments Abandoned in a field The parts of your feelings Are starting to know a quiet The pure conversion of your Life into art seems destined Never to occur You don't mind You feel … [Read more...]

The Law: Tool of Acquisition, Redistribution, or Justice?

How To Keep The Law In Its Rightful Place The only legitimate purpose of legislation is to establish some level of justice in society. However, it doesn’t take long for that proposed intent to be abused. Human beings have a tendency to self-interest and legislators are no different. The French physiocrat Frederic Bastiat, popularized the … [Read more...]

5 Ways To Influence the External Economy With Internal Decisions

Every expert in America agrees that our economy is under serious strain. We even hear speculation that the U.S. is headed for another Great Depression. The government bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will cost taxpayers $5.3 trillion. The $700 billion bailout of other notable financial firms is a Band-aid approach to a gaping-wound … [Read more...]

Self-Deception & Leadership Results

Results in life are inversely proportional to the level of self-deception (affiliate link). Hardly anything amazes me more than the self-deception levels obtained by would-be leaders. In a desire to protect their fragile egos, potential leaders would rather destroy their businesses than confront the facts. If business is going poorly, the … [Read more...]

Victim or Victor?

There is an occupation that is experiencing significant growth. It has low entry requirements and can be had by literally anyone. Hordes are stampeding in that direction with noses acutely tuned to the smell of the gravy train. The position? That of a victim. Playing the part of the victim is becoming America's national sport. How … [Read more...]