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Redcoats to the Rescue!

By Oliver DeMille Republicans and Democrats have increased government spending for years. Bush’s budget was drastically higher than Clinton’s, and President Obama has continued increasing spending. The White House blames the Bush Administration for the economic meltdown it inherited, and rightly so. But now independents, conservatives and … [Read more...]

Why Freedom Cannot Ring

By David Grant Quiz: Rank the following in order of impact to your (you, your family and others you care about) future well-being or the lack thereof: Having the right people in political office; Removing undesirables from political office; Second Amendment rights; Stopping terrorists; Government debt; Corruption; … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Keeping Their World Large by Marianne Moore

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Keeping Their World Large Marianne Moore All too literally, their flesh and their spirit are our shield New York Times, June 7, 1944 I should like to see that country’s tiles, bedrooms, stone patios and ancient wells: Rinaldo Caramonica’s the cobbler’s, Frank Sblendorio’s and Dominick … [Read more...]

Leadership Lessons from Burgoyne’s Downfall

By Chris Brady In June of 1777, flamboyant General "gentleman Johhny" Burgoyne initiated his attack on the colonies from Canada. He commanded over seven thousand infantrymen, a combination of British redcoats and Hessian mercenaries, a small army of artillery specialists and 138 cannon, 400 Native Americans, and some Canadians and colonial … [Read more...]

A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part 3: The Best Defense

By Shanon Brooks This is part three of a three-part series. Read Part I Here Read Part II Here I asked my good Christian friend and Muslim expert, Mark Siljander, to weigh in on this subject. Here is his reply: “I would humbly suggest your students read A Deadly Misunderstanding. Many of their questions will be answered and much … [Read more...]

A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part 2: Biblical Terrorism?

by Shanon Brooks This is part two of a three-part series. Read Part I Here The Qu’ran has been translated into over 100 languages. There are more than 20 English translations of the Qu’ran. Admittedly, most of us know little of this religion as there are no more that 1 percent of Americans who claim adherence to this faith. I am … [Read more...]

A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part 1: Context Matters

By Shanon Brooks A friend gave me the book What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur’an: A History of Islam and the United States by William J. Federer. I think my friend is concerned that I just don’t understand the fullness of the evil of Islam. So I am using this book as the starting point for this topic. There are 1.5 billion … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Prayers by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Prayers Hazrat Inayat Khan I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to learn to solve. I asked for prosperity and God gave me a brain and brawn to work. I asked for courage and God gave … [Read more...]

What Will Be Your Legacy?

By Orrin Woodward George Washington took an incredible risk to be part of the Revolutionary War. He had plenty of land and was doing “pretty good.” Why would someone get involved in a conflict where the colonists were severe underdogs? George lived by principles and he would rather sacrifice his wealth than his principles. There were many … [Read more...]

Awakening to Soul Purpose

By Steve D’Annunzio There are two kinds of people in this world: awake or asleep; lightbearers and sleepwalkers. People who are awake honor life, thus making the most of the grand possibilities that human life offers. Those who are asleep are predominantly unhappy and blame their unhappiness on someone or something else. Lightbearers find … [Read more...]