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You Haven’t Told Them Until You’ve Shown Them

By Chris Brady Nightmares Imagine you’re on stage in front of a bunch of people. They’re all looking at you, it’s quiet as a funeral home, you can hear a pin drop, your mouth is dry, and you have no idea what to say or what you’re even expected to say. You don’t know why you’re there, you don’t even know who these people are, and then you … [Read more...]

LIFE Adversity Quotient

By Orrin Woodward Adversity Quotient (AQ) is the ability to persevere through numerous setbacks in order to achieve one’s dreams. Everyone has the ability to develop AQ, but winners through purpose, vision, and perseverance develop it, while the rest do not. The LIFE community is a great way to start learning AQ. Here is a portion of the … [Read more...]

A New Definition of Success

By Oliver DeMille The Religion of Prosperity The lasting legacy of the twentieth century may be its materialistic definition of success. Indeed, the “religion” of prosperity has grown to dominate politics, philosophy, religious debate, family and community culture and even education (people sent their children to school with patently … [Read more...]

The Party System’s Newest Flaw

By Oliver DeMille I recently watched a televised debate on whether America’s two-party system is making our nation ungovernable. During the debate, New York Times columnist David Brooks said something fascinating. He mentioned that political scientists keep track of how much cooperation there is between the two parties in Congress, and … [Read more...]

Lies We Choose To Believe

“Of course I’ll still respect you in the morning.” “We know exactly where the WMD are located.” “This election is the most important election of our lifetimes.” Of all the lies we choose to believe, that last one is the most pathetic. We hear it repeated ad nauseum during every single election cycle. It’s a manipulative platitude, … [Read more...]

A Tale of Two Warriors

By Kevin Mogavero As my daughters are growing, I’m fashioning a series of stories to tell them that will teach them the principles of self-reliance and disciplined optimism. The main characters of the series are two Japanese samurai warriors that are immortal. They wear the same clothes and they look identical to each other. They fight to … [Read more...]

Debts and Deficits: A Jane Austen Story

by Oliver DeMille Chapter I: A Truth Universally Acknowledged It is a truth universally acknowledged, that when a nation treats business badly, corporations with extra capital take it abroad and the home nation faces job losses and economic challenges. Such nations experience widespread anxiety about their future, problems feel overwhelming, … [Read more...]

The Decline of Civilizations

by Orrin Woodward Why do civilizations rise, decline, and fall? Civilizations as diverse as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese all declined, eventually falling under their own weight. Is decline the natural condition of life, with growth being a temporary anomaly in the march of history? Arnold Toynbee, an English … [Read more...]

“Oh, Spaniard, You Should See the Colosseum!”

by Chris Brady Here's a snippet from a manuscript I'm roughing while here in Italy; musings on the Colosseum in Rome. I also struggled, as I guess most do, with the purpose behind this amphitheatre. This enormous, beautiful structure was constructed as a showcase of cruelty. Only God knows how many murders occurred here, how many innocent … [Read more...]

Our Government Isn’t Broken: The Third Party Solution

by Oliver DeMille Our government isn’t broken. It is just caught in the past. Specifically, the current divide between the parties is a mirror image of the country. Politics is a reflection of society, and the bickering right now in Washington is a direct projection of the nation. There is one big exception. The nation is divided into three … [Read more...]