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Freedom from Stupid People

By Kevin Mogavero I read a great quote the other day that I will share with you here. Unfortunately I have not been able to track down the source of the quote. If you know where it has come from, please share it with me… In any case, here goes: “Freedom from keeping selfishness in check = Not freedom.” I’m just going to go ahead and add … [Read more...]

Capitalism vs. Free Enterprise

By Oliver DeMille The New Culture War During the Cold War, people came to equate the three ideas of democracy, capitalism and free enterprise. This made sense at some level, since the whole world seemed inescapably divided into authoritarian, totalitarian, socialist and communist nations on the one hand and democratic, capitalistic and free … [Read more...]

Israel at the Intersection

By Chris Brady Stone steps greet my weary feet once again, while the sun keeps up its constant beaming from above, pounding on my hat and searing my skin. The bag on my back, though small, irritates me from long companionship, and the camera that produces the pictures I so love is an annoyance. My senses are overloaded and my brain is … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front by Wendell Berry

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front Wendell Berry Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay. Want more of everything ready-made. Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die. And you will have a window in your head. Not even your future will be a mystery any more. Your mind … [Read more...]

Meritocracy is Elitism

By Oliver DeMille Modernism dislikes all types of elitism-- except for meritocracy. When elite status is merited, according to this view, it is a good thing. In such a society, our elites are: “…made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, … [Read more...]

Brother Beck Jumps the Shark

For sheer entertainment, Glenn Beck is at the top of his game. His characteristic sarcasm, his irreverent, over-the-top humor and his undeniable passion have propelled him to rightful status as a top talk radio personality. Beck is reminiscent of a young Rush Limbaugh, who tackled the topics others dared not and gleefully skewered every … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: A Walk by Rainer Maria Rilke

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. A Walk Rainer Maria Rilke My eyes already touch the sunny hill. going far ahead of the road I have begun. So we are grasped by what we cannot grasp; it has inner light, even from a distance- and charges us, even if we do not reach it, into something else, which, hardly sensing it, we already are; a … [Read more...]

The Popular but Losing Business Growth Strategy

By Kevin Mogavero The other day I had a great conversation with a small business owner who told me a captivating story about his experiences with referrals and referral groups. In short, his ‘give vs. receive’ referral ratio was in the 2% to 3% range. In other words, he wasn’t getting a whole lot for all that he was giving. Anyone who … [Read more...]

Property and Freedom

By Oliver DeMille We can learn a lot about freedom by understanding how Marx wanted to establish communism. One of his ten planks of establishing communism was this: 1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes… Take away property and you take away freedom. If a man or woman cannot own land, a … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: A man saw a ball of gold in the sky; by Stephen Crane

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. A man saw a ball of gold in the sky; Stephen Crane A man saw a ball of gold in the sky; He climbed for it, And eventually he achieved it – It was clay. Now this is the strange part: When the man went to the earth And looked again, Lo, there was a ball of gold. Now this is the strange part: It was a … [Read more...]