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Why Hebrew?, Part Two: Hebrew Compliments Greek

By Shanon Brooks Read Part One Here Must an education be limited to completing a checklist of courses in order to receive a certificate of conformance to present as evidence to a prospective employer of having met a minimum standard of proficiency in practical, productive job skills? Is an education limited to passing through a “liberal … [Read more...]

The Pro-Freedom Conspiracy Needs You

When a friend offered to lend me his copy of Claire Wolfe’s book The Freedom Outlaw’s Handbook, I eagerly accepted.  I had long read her articles in Backwoods Home magazine and on World Net Daily and I enjoyed her no-holds-barred approach to remaining free in an increasingly unfree world. Wolfe is likely best known for making the eyebrow raising … [Read more...]

The Big Debate on American Education

Home Schools, the New Private Schools, and Other Non-Traditional Learning By Oliver DeMille The current national commentary on American education is split by a major paradox. On the one hand, nearly all the experts are convinced that our schools must find a way to effectively and consistently teach the values and skills of innovation and … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: What to Remember When Waking by David Whyte

Immerse yourself in the Sunday Poem archives here. What to Remember When Waking David Whyte In that first hardly noticed moment to which you wake, coming back to this life from the other more secret, moveable and frighteningly honest world where everything began, there is a small opening into the new day which closes the … [Read more...]

The Magic of Parkinson’s Law and Your Money

By Kevin Mogavero Parkinson’s Law: “Work Expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” In other words, we’ll take all the allotted time available to complete a task. If we’ve got an hour to do a task, we’ll take an hour to do it. If we’ve got a minute to do the task, we’ll get it done in a minute. For example, if … [Read more...]

Education Reform Won’t Work Anymore

By Oliver DeMille We Need a Transformation! A Review of Ken Robinson's Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative This is an excellent book. Here are some of Robinson’s main points: We are living in a time of global change, whether we admit it or not. “As the world spins faster and faster, organizations everywhere say they need people … [Read more...]

Turning Points for LIFE

By Chris Brady I flipped a coin. Seriously. My father and I were trying to decide which division of General Motors should be my "sponsor" during my co-op work experience while attending GMI Engineering & Management Institute (Kettering University today).   The choice was between Buick and AC, and AC won the flip.   Weeks later, at a … [Read more...]

A U.S. Grand Policy

By Oliver DeMille The Jobs Plan We Need In the furor over the national debt, deficits, stimulus programs, the Obama Administration’s proposed jobs plan and the Republican responses, we are missing a simple reality. America right now is in desperate need of a clear, simple, overarching Grand Policy. The Grand Policy would look something like … [Read more...]

Why Hebrew?: Part one

By Shanon Brooks Contributing Author - James Malmstrom, Monticello College Faculty CHOMRONG VILLAGE, Nepal – 2011 – I was sitting in the courtyard of Chomrong Cottage, a charming lodge and the second stop of a 10-day trek into the Annapurna mountain range. The towering snow-capped Himalayan peaks in the distance guarded the gateway to our … [Read more...]

The Iranian Terror Plot: A Matter of Trust

I’m finding it harder to trust our federal government or the mass media to tell us the truth. Especially when it comes to the latest “terror plot” that’s allegedly surfaced. Like the little boy who cried “wolf”, too many federal officials have sought to further their foreign policy ambitions by telling us outlandish tales of foiled terror … [Read more...]