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Decline or Reboot? The Future of the Republican Party

The internet and social media are drastically changing our politics. It all boils down to community versus individuality. The Boomer generation was split down the middle between those who wanted government to take care of us, versus those who wanted government to protect us from foreign attacks and domestic criminals and otherwise leave us … [Read more...]

The Canyon

“There is no way Mom! Mowing lawns is the only way I can earn money. It will be next spring before I can earn enough money!” He wailed. He moaned. He cried. He was nine. What could I say? I could see so many options. He needed to think bigger, longer term. He was so much closer than he realized. Mowing lawns is not the only way to earn … [Read more...]

Don’t Let the Bozos Get You Down

If you are new to the pursuit of excellence, just launching upon your dream chase, or just now responding to a calling in your life, you may need to be warned about something (or someone): Bozos. Really, I've got nothing against Bozo the Clown. He wore his baldness with poise and managed to keep a smile upon his face despite the wardrobe he … [Read more...]

The Man Who Killed the Bank, Part II

Read Part I Here In his historic veto address, Jackson declared war on the wealthy aristocracy attempting to subvert the American Republic. His veto address should be read by everyone concerned with freedom and equality of opportunity. Jackson, in part, stated: “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts … [Read more...]

The Man Who Killed the Bank, Part I

Editor's Note: The following account of Andrew Jackson's battle with the Second National Bank, written by Orrin Woodward, is fairly lengthy. This is such a critical story that American citizens need to understand that we've broken it up into two pieces. Part II will be published tomorrow. **************************** Andrew Jackson was always … [Read more...]

A New Paradigm of Leadership from Charles Shulz

The following philosophy has often been attributed to, Charles Shulz, the creator of Charlie Brown and Snoopy. In our capacities as fathers and mothers, family protectors, and business decision makers, we all have to measure other people. We have to judge who to trust, to help us, and who to lead us. Who will I trust with my kids? Who will I … [Read more...]

When Society Makes Sex its God

It’s time to bring to light a forgotten text that may be the definitive work on the rise and fall of civilizations. The book is called Sex and Culture and British anthropologist J.D. Unwin published it back in 1934. Unwin set out to test the idea put forth by Freud that civilization is born out of repressed sexuality. He studied 86 different … [Read more...]

The Shift from Institutional to Societal Leadership

Editor's Note: Oliver DeMille was recently featured on the cover of Leadership Excellence magazine, with an article on his upcoming book with Orrin Woodward, LeaderShift. Here is his article in its entirety. Download the PDF version of the complete magazine here. ******************* Once in a while in history, a LeaderShift occurs. It … [Read more...]

Your Personal Brand & the Margaritaville Concept

It happened to you and it's uniquely yours. No one else has your story. No one else has your particular mixture of experience and ability. Not only did God make you unique in all your parts, but the life He lets you live is just as uniquely yours. Nobody else experiences the world in exactly the same way as you. These concepts form the basis … [Read more...]

Are You Ready for the LeaderShift?

I'm excited for my new book, LeaderShift, and I think it’s incredibly important. As my co-author, business leader Orrin Woodward, put it: “Washington D.C. isn’t going to fix its problems anytime soon, so things are going to get worse in our politics and the economy until real leadership is found outside of government.” In short, it’s … [Read more...]