Most Americans have no ideas it is coming. But it is just around the corner. It’s one of those technical changes that only wonks pay attention to, so few people realize how big this will be. In fact, it’s a serious crisis in the making. And unlike the Y2K scare in 1999, this crisis is a sure thing. The crisis is this: In January, many … [Read more...]
Word Magic and My Labelmaker
It looked like just another piece of junk at the yard sale. But I knew better. For me, as a young boy, it represented the ability to practice word magic. Soon I was labeling anything within reach with my well-used label maker. Toys, books, furniture, even pictures were soon clearly labeled for anyone who may have been … [Read more...]
How to Overcome a Lack of Natural Talent
Some people begin the journey to success in a particular endeavor endowed with obvious natural talent. Others, however (and most, as it turns out), are not so gifted. This second group has to work harder to do what the first group was able to do naturally. Over time, however, the differences between starting points fade … [Read more...]
When NOT to Settle Down
After every major U.S. election, there is a gradual wind-down of passion for a few months. For over a year now, people of all political views have been at high pitch on politics. They geared up for the Republican primaries, then the question of who would be the Vice President, and then the general election dominated the fall season. The … [Read more...]
In Defense of the Manual Arts
You've read a lot of articles from me promoting a liberal arts education, which we teach at Monticello College. But there is a lesser known side of our curriculum -- the manual arts, which are not something the average American thinks about in the 21st century. But a hundred years ago, the vast majority of Americans were engaged in the manual … [Read more...]
LeaderShift Climbs Up the New York Times Bestsellers List
So not only has LeaderShift stayed on the New York Times bestsellers list for two weeks in a row, it also climbed from #12 to #9. Thanks for helping us keep up the momentum! If you haven't read it yet, we urge you to grab a copy on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. … [Read more...]
Oliver DeMille Featured on Peter Schiff Radio
Peter Schiff is an investment broker, author, and financial commentator who frequently appears on Fox News, CNBC, and other media outlets. He is also the host of the Peter Schiff radio show. We were thrilled when he contacted us and invited me to be a guest on his show this morning to discuss LeaderShift. You can access the recording of … [Read more...]
LeaderShift Hits the USA Today Bestsellers List
Wow, the bestseller lists keep coming in. First New York Times, then Wall Street Journal, and now we just found out that Leadershift came in at #17 on USA Today's bestsellers list for the week of April 25th. We are both humbled and thrilled. It's exciting to see so many citizens so passionately engaged in restoring America's greatness. We're … [Read more...]