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Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are Heroes by Oliver DeMille

At some point, America is going to have to face reality. We can’t keep increasing government spending, debt, and borrowing without eventually paying for it. But the problem is deep: When Americans are asked if they want to get rid of our $17 trillion debt and huge deficits, they say, “Yes.” When they are told that we need to cut any … [Read more...]

A Letter Every American Should Read

The recent vague though elevated state of “terror readiness” was a nice touch. The timing was perfect. It’s just what we’d expect when serious public dissent over NSA domestic spying is building across America and even within Congress. Someone in the national security state must be getting worried. Maybe that’s why they’re trying to remind … [Read more...]

The Three Kinds of Nations – Oliver DeMille

There are two kinds of laws, one good and the other bad. The first kind includes only laws that protect inalienable rights. Such laws are necessary to maintain freedom in any society. This kind of law is called Fundamental Law. Societies without good Fundamental Law fail to grow and succeed, because the basic inalienable rights of the people … [Read more...]

What To Do About the Debt Ceiling – Oliver DeMille

We're hearing a lot on the news these days about America's debt ceiling and the danger of defaulting on our national debt. But the way this is being portrayed in the media is mostly a lie. No matter what Congress does on the debt ceiling, whether they raise it or not, we bring in 10 times as much in taxes every month as we need to keep … [Read more...]

How to Understand Budgets and Treaties – Oliver DeMille

The feedback is coming in, and a lot of people who are newly reading treaties and government budgets are asking some really great questions. Mostly they boil down to two main things. First A lot of people are struggling to really understand how government finances and currencies work. This isn't surprising. Lenin is credited with saying that … [Read more...]

Politics is Getting Fun! -Oliver DeMille

According to the old saying, the two things regular people don't want to watch are sausage making and law making. This has been true for decades, or actually centuries. But three people have changed this in the past year. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul have made watching politics fun again. Or fun for the first time, as the case may … [Read more...]

What is the “Remnant”? -Oliver DeMille

I recently gave a speech entitled "The Four Reasons Freedom is Losing the Current Battle for Liberty," and during it I mentioned that the real battle isn't between conservatives and liberals, or the Right and the Left, Hawks or Doves, or Red versus Blue states. It's between the Establishment and the Remnant. I found that there was little need to … [Read more...]

The Line Between Good and Evil

Most people today have never heard of the Syntopicon. But when the Great Books of Western Civilization were compiled and published nearly 60 years ago, it was the crowning achievement. Covering nearly 3,000 years of Western thought, the Syntopicon contains over 163,000 references to every idea and topic within the Great Books. Compiling the … [Read more...]

Government Secrecy Kills Freedom – Oliver DeMille

It's one of the main plots in Hollywood movies and popular TV dramas. The government knows some secret information, but won’t share it because it might cause panic in the regular people. This is the justification for modern government secrecy, spying on its people, and even torture. In the name of security, apparently everything is okay for the … [Read more...]

When the Government Lies – Oliver DeMille

There's lots of talk right now about the people losing trust in government. The current wisdom seems concerned that this is a bad development, that the government can only continue to grow and expand if the people trust what it is doing. As Orrin Woodward and I recently wrote, the American founders thought the people should strongly mistrust … [Read more...]