By Garrett Gunderson We only make exchanges when we value what we’re receiving more than we value what we’re giving away. Economics is the science of the efficient allocation of resources. Through free exchange, all resources—material and otherwise—end up in the hands of those who value them the most, and those who value them the most will … [Read more...]
How Living Soul Purpose Helps You Prosper
By Steve D'Annunzio “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” -Pericles How does Soul Purpose tie into greater prosperity? First, understand that prosperity is not something you possess. It is a state of being. It is living the happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling life … [Read more...]
A New Look At Employment
By Oliver DeMille For decades the waves of history have moved paid work in the direction of increased specialization. A natural result of this trend has been the rising role of experts, along with what can be called superspecialization. As technology has kept pace with and benefitted from this development, our technological abilities have … [Read more...]
Leadership Control & Influence
By Orrin Woodward Don’t let the issues outside of your control, stop you from addressing issues inside of your control. If I have seen it once, I have seen it a thousand times, a talented person with a willingness to work, stopped cold by dwelling on issues outside of his control. This type of thinking takes on many forms, but here's an … [Read more...]
The Incredible Power of Choice
By John Robert Crawford For many years I have been involved in the education of college students. After witnessing some of their stumbling, I began to give a little pep talk at the beginning of each freshman year. The plan was to encourage them to fight the good fight as they continued their education. Many of them were second-chance … [Read more...]
The Sacred Path
By Steve D’Annunzio Life’s journey has two paths to choose between: the Sacred Path or the scared path. Notice how close the two words are: the “c” is in a different place and yet the two words have opposite meanings. Just as the two words have opposite meanings, so do we get opposite results when we choose one over the other. The Sacred … [Read more...]
Climbing Through Pain
By Orrin Woodward I once read a profound book by Robert Grudin, The Grace of Great Things. It describes a philosophy of innovation and creation and really makes you think and helps you understand why new ideas are attacked so aggressively. In the section "Ethics of Creativity," Grudin says: "To be truly open to any experience, the mind … [Read more...]
The Power of Meditation
By Steve D'Annunzio Although it tends to be highly underrated and often misunderstood, meditation is one of the most powerful tools available to man to transcend the mind and to prevent and ease suffering in the world. When you are meditating you are being and doing so much more than is obvious to the uninitiated. Meditation accesses a state … [Read more...]
The Education Crossroads, Part 1: New Tribes Versus Cliques
By Oliver DeMille Education today is at a crossroads, and the options are fascinating. Certainly the rise of the Internet has revolutionized most industries, and its impact on education is expected to be significant. But the change in technology isn’t the only major shift which is impacting schooling. The end of the Cold War ushered in a … [Read more...]
Hiding From Destiny
Do you believe in destiny? I do. I believe that each one of us was given special talents and a calling all our own. We all know it deep inside. It's there when we are quiet enough to listen, when we shut off the media, the noise, the busyness. Perhaps it scares us. Perhaps we don't think we're worthy. Maybe we don't want to be held … [Read more...]