A Broken System A recent article in Esquire magazine outlined how badly Congress is broken (November 2014 issue). It quoted current Congressmen from both parties who went to Washington to make a difference and find themselves deeply frustrated with what they can only describe as a broken system. Anyone who watches or reads the news on a regular … [Read more...]
What is Government? Part II: The Visa/Mastercard Solution
Just Try It In response to my article about Government is Force (where I mentioned that government was created mainly to protect our inalienable rights and that to do this it must focus almost entirely on law enforcement and national security and not get distracted on other things), a number of people asked about services and infrastructure like … [Read more...]
What Is Government?
(the short answer) What Must Be Understood I’m going to keep this very short, so it can be passed on to as many people as possible. It is extremely important, and every free person in the modern world needs to understand this! Here goes: Many modern Americans don’t understand what government is. The huge problem with this is that since they … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are Heroes by Oliver DeMille
At some point, America is going to have to face reality. We can’t keep increasing government spending, debt, and borrowing without eventually paying for it. But the problem is deep: When Americans are asked if they want to get rid of our $17 trillion debt and huge deficits, they say, “Yes.” When they are told that we need to cut any … [Read more...]
How to Understand Budgets and Treaties – Oliver DeMille
The feedback is coming in, and a lot of people who are newly reading treaties and government budgets are asking some really great questions. Mostly they boil down to two main things. First A lot of people are struggling to really understand how government finances and currencies work. This isn't surprising. Lenin is credited with saying that … [Read more...]
Leaders Don’t Have to Be Shouters
A friend of mine threw in the towel recently. She’s grown weary of trying to dialogue with libertarians. She feels they’re rude, condescending, and unwilling to work with her on political issues. This is a common perception. Unfortunately, it also accurately describes virtually everyone who frames his or her political beliefs in strictly … [Read more...]
The Drift to Totalitarianism
Earlier today, while writing on my corporate HR Toolbox blog, I read an extended quote from Gustav Cassel. His thoughts on the drift towards totalitarianism that every country experiences with the initiation of economic controls aligned perfectly with the Five Laws of Decline (FLD), which I first disclosed in my book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for … [Read more...]