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By Shanon Brooks Recently, someone ask me if I was happy with the changes in Utah State government (6 more Republicans in the House and 1 more in the Senate). “What changes?” I said. “You know, the legislature is more conservative now.” “Really? When did that happen?” I inquired. “I only see a changing of the guard, new … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Proportion by Ben Jonson

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Proportion Ben Jonson It is not growing like a tree In bulk, doth make man better be; Or standing long an oak, three hundred year, To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere: A lily of a day Is fairer far in May, Although it fall and die that night; It was the plant and flower of light. In … [Read more...]

The Education Crossroads, Part 2: Types of Education

By Oliver DeMille Read Part 1 Here But I do not believe that either the modern or the Shakespearean mindsets will influence our future as much as that from and even earlier age — the era of Virgil. I am convinced that Virgil’s understanding of freedom eclipses both of these others. Virgil witnessed Rome losing many of its freedoms, and he … [Read more...]

The Education Crossroads, Part 1: New Tribes Versus Cliques

By Oliver DeMille Education today is at a crossroads, and the options are fascinating. Certainly the rise of the Internet has revolutionized most industries, and its impact on education is expected to be significant. But the change in technology isn’t the only major shift which is impacting schooling. The end of the Cold War ushered in a … [Read more...]

Standing Up For Your Dreams

By Orrin Woodward Every person of substance has a defining moment.  The point where they chose the road less traveled. Defining moments are flashes of self introspection where key decisions are made that affect the rest of your life. That moment where you decided to strive for excellence and become the person God called you to be.  … [Read more...]

Lighten Up or Toughen Up

By Chris Brady There are two attitudes toward life that I think are paramount for leaders, especially in our modern, pampered times. They are: 1.) Lighten Up, or 2.) Toughen Up. There is nothing more off-putting than a person who takes him or her self too seriously. One of my favorite phrases is, "Take everything seriously except … [Read more...]

Seven Spheres of Influence

By Dave Wilson I read in a recent piece by David Brooks that, “Over the past seven months, the number of people who say government is doing too many things better left to business has jumped from 40 percent to 48 percent, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.” My first reaction was, “Remember last year when ‘business’ ruined … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: The Garret by Ezra Pound

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. The Garret Ezra Pound Come, let us pity those who are better off than we are. Come, my friend, and remember that the rich have butlers and no friends, And we have friends and no butlers. Come, let us pity the married and the unmarried. Dawn enters with little feet like a gilded … [Read more...]

Hard/Easy, Easy/Hard

Before we learn the disciplines, it’s critical that the “hard-easy/easy-hard” concept is understood. “Hard-easy” refers to those things in life that initially appear to be difficult, yet in the long run they make life much easier and more enjoyable. On the other hand, “easy-hard” refers to things that seem easy at first yet lead to far more … [Read more...]

The Tyrant Next Door

What makes a community a great place to live? The answer will vary from person to person but most of us would agree on qualities like cleanliness, order and low crime. Notably missing from those terms we use to describe a livable community is the word “freedom." In fact, occasionally the concept of freedom is found to be somewhat at odds … [Read more...]