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Overcoming the Agency Costs of Representative Government, Part 2

By Kyle Roberts This is Part 2 of a two-part series. Read Part 1 here. The Power of the States Large-scale republics do not allow the people to effectively monitor their elected officials. The more people there are, the more issues follow. When issues increase it is harder for the people to create a stable majority to fight special … [Read more...]

Overcoming the Agency Costs of Representative Government, Part 1

By Kyle Roberts One of the disadvantages of a republic is agency costs. The smaller the ratio between the people and their elected officials the more secure are the rights of the people. Conversely, the larger the ratio between the people and their elected officials the less secure are the rights of the people. This ratio and its … [Read more...]

The Age of Overseers: Technology, Politics, & the Future

by Oliver DeMille The rise of independents in American politics is a major trend that has drastically changed the political landscape. But why is it happening now? Are both major parties so bad now — indeed so much worse than they have ever been — that the majority of involved citizens just can’t stand them anymore? Actually, the parties … [Read more...]

Are Blind Spots Crippling You?

By Chris Brady There is a saying that I have always liked: "The difference between self-perception and reality is often enormous." The size of that difference is called a "blind spot." Unfortunately, we all have them. Perhaps the way you chew your food drives people crazy. Or maybe you interrupt others constantly and annoy them as a … [Read more...]

Leadership is Character in Motion

By Orrin Woodward It was another late-night reading session and as my eyes scanned the pages searching for another nugget to improve as a person and leader I read, “Leadership is character in motion.” I stopped reading grabbed my red marker and underlined this quote. I began to ponder the truth of this simple statement overflowing with … [Read more...]

Sunday Poem: Variation On a Theme by Rilke by Denise Levertov

Explore the Sunday Poem archives here. Variation On a Theme by Rilke Denise Levertov A certain day became a presence to me; there it was, confronting me--a sky, air, light: a being. And before it started to descend from the height of noon, it leaned over and struck my shoulder as if with the flat of a sword, granting me honor and a … [Read more...]

The Power of Reality Statements

By Steve D’Annunzio The fruit of any tree comes from the root. What is at the “root” of your “tree,” or in other words, what occurs consistently in your inner world that determines your outer world? What are your inner conversations? Are they empowering? Are they loving? Are they forgiving? Do they lead you to the greatest and highest … [Read more...]

What Are You Waiting For?

By Garrett Gunderson No nation in history has been as prosperous as America. Never before have we had so much information teaching us how to get rich. Our sophisticated network of financial institutions, tools, strategies, products, and “experts” is unrivaled. Yet underneath this powerful veneer lies truth about personal finance in America: … [Read more...]

Allodial Rights & the Unalienable Right to Property

By Kyle Roberts Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration of Independence read “life, liberty, and property.” However, property was edited out at the suggestion of Ben Franklin because of its implications towards slavery. The pursuit of happiness replaced it and has become the commonplace recitation. This unfortunate expediency edit … [Read more...]

Free Download: Reweaving the Fabric of Freedom

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead We've been working hard to produce our latest white paper, "Reweaving the Fabric of Freedom: Finding Your Path in a Comprehensive Plan to Revitalize America." Click Here to Download the White Paper … [Read more...]