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How to Solve the Immigration Problem by Oliver DeMille

I finally read a proposal in the mainstream media for an immigration policy that is based, at least partly, on the American founding model. The solution was suggested by Jagdish Bhagwati and Francisco Rivera-Batiz in their recent Foreign Affairs article, "A Kinder, Gentler Immigration Policy." This is exciting, and this can work. The … [Read more...]

The Big Lie in America – Oliver DeMille

The Big Lie dominates Washington and much of our American culture. The lie, in a nutshell, argues that as government increases regulation, our society improves. This lie has lasted a long time, mainly because our society is divided between two versions of The Big Lie. The Democratic version contends that as the government increases regulation on … [Read more...]

America Needs a Magna Carta Moment

A friend of mine recently commented on Facebook that “We need another Magna Carta type event today, led by the states towards the Federal Government.” The original event he refers to took place nearly 800 years ago in a meadow near Runnymede in England. It was there that a collection of influential barons forced King John, at sword point, to … [Read more...]

It’s Time for Optimism & Leadership – Oliver DeMille

It's time for optimism in America. Right now. I'm convinced that the best era of America is still ahead. And it's time to start building it, even if Washington won't, and even if the politicians are going to bring us both ups and downs in the years ahead. When we turn on the news, we hear of debts ceilings, a $17 trillion national debt, … [Read more...]

The Only Two Ways to Fix Washington – Oliver DeMille

Washington is broken, and the problem is short-term thinking. In our current system, there is little or no incentive for our leaders to do what is right for the next generation -- if it in any way conflicts with immediate concerns. We know debt is bad, but in the short-term it's easier to keep spending. And we realize that deficits are a problem, … [Read more...]

If You’re Not Worried, You’re Not Paying Attention

We’ve been saved. Or have we? After a 16-day cliffhanger, where our very existence supposedly hung in the balance, a compromise was reached. Business will continue as usual in Washington D.C. with increased government growth and spending. In reality, the curtain has fallen on the latest performance of political theater. For all the contrived … [Read more...]

Obamacare is a Disaster – Oliver DeMille

The stories are coming out all over the nation. For example, Ashley Dionne is a 26-year-old woman with 2 college degrees. The cost of her monthly insurance premium has risen from $75 previously to $319 under Obamacare. She wrote: "Liberals claimed this law would help the poor. I am the poor, the working poor, and I can’t afford to … [Read more...]

Why Washington Can’t Be Fixed, But America Can – Oliver DeMille

The problems in Washington D.C. aren't going to be fixed, because Washington is the problem. One fundamental way Washington operates is incompatible with freedom, prosperity, and common sense. Specifically, Washington today is caught in the rut of post bellum auxilium, and there is little chance of this changing any time soon. This phrase … [Read more...]

Here’s Proof Leviathan Can Be Resisted

He probably meant well. After all the upheaval and division during his lifetime, peace and stability were his likely goals. But Thomas Hobbes gave life to a monster when his work Leviathan was published in 1651. Hobbes' depiction of the state as an irresistible strongman whose subjects live in fear and awe has become a popular template for … [Read more...]

What Every Citizen Must Know About Government Finances – Oliver DeMille

Good citizens know as much about freedom, government, economics and laws as their president, prime minister, justices, governors, senators and other officials. When a lot of the citizens are good citizens, freedom flourishes. When only a few are good citizens, freedom declines. This is an incontrovertible law of human history. It is always … [Read more...]