It was an extremely unlikely friendship. She was at least 60 years my senior. We only met once face to face. Still, I consider Virginia one of the dearest friends I'll ever know. When I started my radio career nearly 30 years ago, I quickly learned the difference between listeners and fans. Within a year of being on the air, I had a small but … [Read more...]
What’s Really Happening to Our Nation? -Oliver DeMille
It happened on the same day. Two people, who as far as I know don't know each other, asked me the same question. Or, to be more precise, they asked two different questions that have the same answer. In truth, this is a question that a lot of Americans have on their mind right now. Many of them don't even realize it, but every time they watch … [Read more...]
Lift Where You Stand
I recently texted a buddy of mine and said, "I know we will change the world." His response has caused me much pondering and reflection: "And it will be done by everyone lifting where they stand." All too often, we shirk our duties and think, "Someone else is supposed to do that." We think our call is either too significant or not important … [Read more...]
How to Solve the Immigration Problem by Oliver DeMille
I finally read a proposal in the mainstream media for an immigration policy that is based, at least partly, on the American founding model. The solution was suggested by Jagdish Bhagwati and Francisco Rivera-Batiz in their recent Foreign Affairs article, "A Kinder, Gentler Immigration Policy." This is exciting, and this can work. The … [Read more...]
America Needs a Magna Carta Moment
A friend of mine recently commented on Facebook that “We need another Magna Carta type event today, led by the states towards the Federal Government.” The original event he refers to took place nearly 800 years ago in a meadow near Runnymede in England. It was there that a collection of influential barons forced King John, at sword point, to … [Read more...]
It’s Time for Optimism & Leadership – Oliver DeMille
It's time for optimism in America. Right now. I'm convinced that the best era of America is still ahead. And it's time to start building it, even if Washington won't, and even if the politicians are going to bring us both ups and downs in the years ahead. When we turn on the news, we hear of debts ceilings, a $17 trillion national debt, … [Read more...]
If You’re Not Worried, You’re Not Paying Attention
We’ve been saved. Or have we? After a 16-day cliffhanger, where our very existence supposedly hung in the balance, a compromise was reached. Business will continue as usual in Washington D.C. with increased government growth and spending. In reality, the curtain has fallen on the latest performance of political theater. For all the contrived … [Read more...]
Obamacare is a Disaster – Oliver DeMille
The stories are coming out all over the nation. For example, Ashley Dionne is a 26-year-old woman with 2 college degrees. The cost of her monthly insurance premium has risen from $75 previously to $319 under Obamacare. She wrote: "Liberals claimed this law would help the poor. I am the poor, the working poor, and I can’t afford to … [Read more...]