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The Media Maxim – Oliver DeMille

There is a rule called "The Media Maxim," which tells us what is really going on our modern world and current events. Most people have no idea how important this rule is. The reason for this is simple. Most people don't get their views on events from the right sources, and we don't deeply think about things. Not as deeply as we should. … [Read more...]

Free Versus Freebie – Oliver DeMille

Reading dictionaries is fun. I especially like the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), along with its two companions, the Compact Oxford English Dictionary, and the Compact Oxford Thesaurus. Seriously, this isn't nerdy at all. It's really entertaining. For example, my brother Will told me the other day that he had an interesting experience. He … [Read more...]

America’s Great Degeneration – Oliver DeMille

Speaking of how the government runs its finances today, historian Niall Ferguson wrote: "The present system is, to put it bluntly, fraudulent. There are no regular published and official balance sheets. Huge liabilities are simply hidden from view. Not even the current income and expenditure statements can be relied upon. No legitimate business … [Read more...]

Why Freedom is Losing: The Battle for Our Future – Oliver DeMille

De Jouvenel said it all in one profound paragraph: "From the twelfth to the eighteenth century governmental authority grew continuously. The process was understood by all who saw it happening; it stirred them to incessant protest and...reaction. In later times its growth has continued at an accelerated pace...And now we no longer understand the … [Read more...]

The Legacy of 2013? -Oliver DeMille

The year 2013 is over, and it may go down in history as another drastically negative year like 1913. The hundred year itch? Maybe. The year started out with high political drama as Republicans and Democrats argued late into the nights on January 1 and 2 in search of a fiscal cliff agreement. In May and June we watched a domino series of … [Read more...]

State Power Versus Social Power – Orrin Woodward

Human societies are in never-ending struggle between the forces seeking to optimize State Power and those seeking to optimize Social Power. The gain for one is the loss of the other. Accordingly, the reason society finds it so difficult to rest the Power Pendulum in concord is that these two forces wage an endless war within society. … [Read more...]

A Huge Shift is Coming to America – Oliver DeMille

We entered a new cycle of history during 2013. Like any cycle, this one started small. But it is growing quickly, and it is already swaying the future. To understand this, let's briefly go back to the beginning -- when this cycle was first described. In 1836, even before Alexis de Tocqueville finished his famous classic, Democracy in America, a … [Read more...]

What’s Really Happening to Our Nation? -Oliver DeMille

It happened on the same day. Two people, who as far as I know don't know each other, asked me the same question. Or, to be more precise, they asked two different questions that have the same answer. In truth, this is a question that a lot of Americans have on their mind right now. Many of them don't even realize it, but every time they watch … [Read more...]

Lift Where You Stand

I recently texted a buddy of mine and said, "I know we will change the world." His response has caused me much pondering and reflection: "And it will be done by everyone lifting where they stand." All too often, we shirk our duties and think, "Someone else is supposed to do that." We think our call is either too significant or not important … [Read more...]

The Big Lie in America – Oliver DeMille

The Big Lie dominates Washington and much of our American culture. The lie, in a nutshell, argues that as government increases regulation, our society improves. This lie has lasted a long time, mainly because our society is divided between two versions of The Big Lie. The Democratic version contends that as the government increases regulation on … [Read more...]