By Steve D'Annunzio The Creator designed the universe for our benefit. Natural laws are the code of the universe, the rules of existence that determine our happiness or lack thereof. Living in accordance with the laws brings us peace, happiness and prosperity, while being misaligned with them brings about inner turmoil, suffering, and … [Read more...]
Balance Sheet Myths That Stifle Your Prosperity
By Garrett Gunderson Your financial balance sheet measures the difference between your assets and liabilities to determine whether you’re in debt or if you have equity (net worth). Assets are things that either generate cash flow for you, or that could potentially create cash flow. Liabilities are things that incur expenses, such as a … [Read more...]
Congressional Carte Blanche: Commerce Clause Pt. 1
By Kyle Roberts The Commerce Clause has morphed into a congressional carte blanche for “constitutional” legislation. As a result of improper constitutional interpretation and verbal legal maneuvering, the original understanding of the clause and its operation has been totally lost. I have written elsewhere that the proper source for … [Read more...]
The Limits of Specialization
By Oliver DeMille “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty … [Read more...]
Equality & the Declaration of Independence
By Kyle Roberts “All men are created equal” is perhaps the least understood and most abused phrase in American Independence literature. As with most other historical concepts - stripped of original context - it has come to be the philosophical authority for virtually every social doctrine, special interest persuasion, international … [Read more...]
Find Success in the Fork in the Road
By Orrin Woodward It’s before 7 AM, on a foggy Saturday morning, and my mind is mulling over the personal development habits that produce champions. Everyone, without exception, can become a champion by changing his daily habits. One of the problems in life, is that bad habits are easy to develop, while good habits are hard to develop. … [Read more...]
A New Look At Employment
By Oliver DeMille For decades the waves of history have moved paid work in the direction of increased specialization. A natural result of this trend has been the rising role of experts, along with what can be called superspecialization. As technology has kept pace with and benefitted from this development, our technological abilities have … [Read more...]
Leadership Control & Influence
By Orrin Woodward Don’t let the issues outside of your control, stop you from addressing issues inside of your control. If I have seen it once, I have seen it a thousand times, a talented person with a willingness to work, stopped cold by dwelling on issues outside of his control. This type of thinking takes on many forms, but here's an … [Read more...]
The Incredible Power of Choice
By John Robert Crawford For many years I have been involved in the education of college students. After witnessing some of their stumbling, I began to give a little pep talk at the beginning of each freshman year. The plan was to encourage them to fight the good fight as they continued their education. Many of them were second-chance … [Read more...]
Financial Velocity Trumps Compound Interest
By Garrett Gunderson You’ve heard of compound interest being “miraculous,” but what is it? Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on. For example, suppose you owe someone $1,000, with an annual interest rate of 12 percent, for a monthly … [Read more...]