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A New Definition of Success

By Oliver DeMille The Religion of Prosperity The lasting legacy of the twentieth century may be its materialistic definition of success. Indeed, the “religion” of prosperity has grown to dominate politics, philosophy, religious debate, family and community culture and even education (people sent their children to school with patently … [Read more...]

A Wisdom Society

By Oliver DeMille “A powerful tide is surging across much of the world today, creating a new, often bizarre environment in which to work, play, marry, raise children, or retire. In this bewildering context, businessmen swim against highly erratic economic currents; politicians see their ratings bob wildly up and down.Value systems splinter and … [Read more...]

Replacing Subtle Lies With the Elusive Obvious

By Garrett Gunderson Blatant lies are easy to recognize and avoid; the subtle lies can ultimately be more destructive because they are much more difficult to detect and uproot. Subtle lies seem to make sense and to carry a certain air of credibility. They are often supported by supposed proof and factual evidence that spread and perpetuate … [Read more...]

Transcending the Ego

By Steve D'Annunzio Devotion to the ego-self is an addiction to one’s own thoughts. Devotion to the God-Self comes down to a commitment to witness your thoughts without taking them personally. Normal thoughts are often chaotic and destructive, while spiritual awareness is creative and empowering. You cannot become love as long as you are more … [Read more...]

Strategies to Increase the Size of Government

By Oliver DeMille When the Bush Administration lost the support of Congress to Democrats in the 2006 midterm election, it simply turned its focus to pushing its agenda through administrative policy in the numerous governmental agencies. The Obama Administration has said that it will do the same thing if it loses the House and/or Senate in the … [Read more...]

Exposing the Origins of Financial Myths

By Garrett Gunderson “A myth is a fixed way of looking at the world which cannot be destroyed because, looked at through the myth, all evidence supports that myth.” —Edward de Bono If, as I claim in my book Killing Sacred Cows, much of what we’re taught about money is false, then why are these myths so prevalent, and where do they … [Read more...]

How To Fix Public Education

By Oliver DeMille Time magazine recently published a cover article on reforming American education, and its leading argument was the need for more great teachers.  The details, however, contained more of the same old edu-bureaucratic ideas which have been promoted for the past thirty years. Opening the teacher rolls to more people with … [Read more...]

Public Education’s God Complex

By Bryan Hyde The term “God complex” is sometimes used to describe those in influential positions who behave with such arrogance that they believe they are acting as God Himself would--if only He had all the facts. A fairly recent textbook example of such all-knowing behavior involved members of the Utah State Board of Education. How ironic … [Read more...]

Why The “Talent” Myth Is Holding You Back

By Orrin Woodward While many think talent is the separation point between the successful and the unsuccessful in life, the truth is that hard work and focus trumps talent every time. Don’t misunderstand me, successful people are extremely talented, but then again, unsuccessful people have plenty of talent as well, albeit unused. Talent is … [Read more...]

How Avoiding the Stock Market Can Make You Rich

By Garrett Gunderson Most investors think they should invest their excess cash in the stock market, whether through individual stocks, mutual funds, IRAs, or other vehicles. However, this is almost always a mistake. For the most part they don’t know what they’re doing, they don’t understand what they’re investing in, they have little or no … [Read more...]