Most Americans have no ideas it is coming. But it is just around the corner. It’s one of those technical changes that only wonks pay attention to, so few people realize how big this will be. In fact, it’s a serious crisis in the making. And unlike the Y2K scare in 1999, this crisis is a sure thing. The crisis is this: In January, many … [Read more...]
When NOT to Settle Down
After every major U.S. election, there is a gradual wind-down of passion for a few months. For over a year now, people of all political views have been at high pitch on politics. They geared up for the Republican primaries, then the question of who would be the Vice President, and then the general election dominated the fall season. The … [Read more...]
How I Would Destroy America
Years ago, Paul Harvey shared a commentary on contemporary America titled "If I were the Devil.” It was an inspiring way of illustrating the accelerating decline of societal morals and mores. With a tip of the hat to Paul Harvey, I’d like to shine a similar light on the decline of freedom in our time. If I wanted to destroy liberty in … [Read more...]
How the Next Two Weeks Determine the Future of Freedom
Two weeks from now we’ll know. Once and for all, we’ll see where the nation is headed for the next four years. It may seem like a little thing, but it isn’t. If Congress caves in to the White House in the next two weeks, or to its perception of what the voters really want, we’re in for a marathon of decline. If not, if Congress shuts down … [Read more...]
Bigger Isn’t Always Better
By Oliver DeMille In the push for more gun control and changes to our national immigration policy, a few very important things have been mostly left out of the news in recent weeks. They have been mentioned, yes, but not emphasized. And these items deserve to be seriously considered by all Americans. First, economic figures came out … [Read more...]
Middle Class Squeeze Part II: America and the Entrepreneur
The working middle class dreams of an actual meritocracy, where performance is rewarded regardless of race, creed, or color. The American ideals were birthed as a level playing field, rewarding people based upon their contributions, not their social status or credentials. The American Dream promised: Do a little, receive a little; do a lot, … [Read more...]
Two Types of Republicans and Rising Socialism in America
The future of America depends on the House of Representatives. If it goes along with the Obama Administration’s plans, we’ll see major changes in the next four years, and the move toward socialistic policies will be as momentous as the swing to the right under Ronald Reagan. The White House and Senate are committed to this course, and only … [Read more...]
The Middle Class Squeeze, Part I
*Note to the Reader from CSL Editor Oliver DeMille: Over the past weeks we’ve posted articles by Orrin Woodward, CSL’s new Leadership and Business Editor. These articles include: American Government Righting Sports Wrongs—NBA Stimulus Package, Separation of Education and State, and The Drift to Totalitarianism. Orrin has a long history of … [Read more...]
The Drift to Totalitarianism
Earlier today, while writing on my corporate HR Toolbox blog, I read an extended quote from Gustav Cassel. His thoughts on the drift towards totalitarianism that every country experiences with the initiation of economic controls aligned perfectly with the Five Laws of Decline (FLD), which I first disclosed in my book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for … [Read more...]
American Government Righting Sports Wrongs – NBA Stimulus Package
Warning: This is humor and is meant to be funny and teach some lessons before it is too late! This is not slanted toward either Democrats or Republicans, as I feel they have both let the American people down and have lost our free enterprise American Ideals! The people need to educate themselves and this is my reason for writing the … [Read more...]