By Shanon Brooks This is part three of a three-part series. Read Part I Here Read Part II Here I asked my good Christian friend and Muslim expert, Mark Siljander, to weigh in on this subject. Here is his reply: “I would humbly suggest your students read A Deadly Misunderstanding. Many of their questions will be answered and much … [Read more...]
A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part 2: Biblical Terrorism?
by Shanon Brooks This is part two of a three-part series. Read Part I Here The Qu’ran has been translated into over 100 languages. There are more than 20 English translations of the Qu’ran. Admittedly, most of us know little of this religion as there are no more that 1 percent of Americans who claim adherence to this faith. I am … [Read more...]
A Beginner’s Review of the Qur’an, Part 1: Context Matters
By Shanon Brooks A friend gave me the book What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur’an: A History of Islam and the United States by William J. Federer. I think my friend is concerned that I just don’t understand the fullness of the evil of Islam. So I am using this book as the starting point for this topic. There are 1.5 billion … [Read more...]
Building With Kryptonite: Small Business ‘Bailout’ and the Future of the American Economy
by Oliver DeMille When recessions make things difficult for a lot of people across the nation — especially when accompanied by high unemployment — many turn against markets and seek government solutions to economic challenges. This is both predictable and understandable. But one group typically responds in a different way that is … [Read more...]
The Age of Overseers: Technology, Politics, & the Future
by Oliver DeMille The rise of independents in American politics is a major trend that has drastically changed the political landscape. But why is it happening now? Are both major parties so bad now — indeed so much worse than they have ever been — that the majority of involved citizens just can’t stand them anymore? Actually, the parties … [Read more...]
Are You Powerless?
By Joelle Mancuso “So, what am I supposed to do now? My child has to do AP courses, play an instrument, perform community service, and play after-school sports so that they can get into a good college. It’s what they are supposed to do!” These were common statements by parents of school-aged children after watching the documentary “Race to … [Read more...]
The New Man
By Oliver DeMille I wrote in an earlier review of several recent articles and books on “the end of men.” Such writings sparked a lot of discussion on the national scene, mostly among women. Men, it seems, aren’t paying much attention to such things. Where men do take exception to the predictions and statistics about man’s falling value to … [Read more...]
The New America
By Oliver DeMille The Age of Dependence We have recently changed as a people, and as a nation. I’m not sure exactly when the change occurred, but we are living in the new reality it has created. On the one hand, we have always been a nation dedicated to positive change. America was founded by breaking from the old world and … [Read more...]
America’s New Grand Strategy, Part 2: New Thinking
By Oliver DeMille This is Part 2 of a 2-part series. Read Part One Here. Problems with Grand “Tactics” Generals lose when they fail to learn the lessons of past wars; generals also lose when they attempt to fight new wars with old strategies. This adage applies even more to statesmen. To put this in context, each time a new grand … [Read more...]
America’s New Grand Strategy, Part 1: Internationalism and Beyond
By Oliver DeMille The United States is currently experiencing a Grand Strategy Crisis — and the most powerful nation in the world since the Roman Empire better get it right. Such a crisis typically comes along once a generation, when the nation drops its old grand strategy and selects a new one. Unfortunately, this significant change, … [Read more...]